Big sigh of relief. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh.........
We are done for summer! I get a break from being taxi mom, making lunches, checking homework, reading notices, writing out cheques, and washing uniforms!
Oh, summer is so deserved!
Nathan successfully completed grade four. And to our delight has FINALLY attained honor roll status. I know that back in November I posted about him getting on the honor roll but I was mistaken. He had missed by one lousy credit. The second term report card was dismal. But this term he did really well and to be honest we ALL need to get the credit. Keith and I rode that poor child's butt for every single assignment. It was not pleasant but the results prove it was worth it. Way to go Nathan!
Nate and his buddies. They were all heading off to a birthday party right afterschool. What a great way to start off the summer!
Chad did awesome in grade one and has now been promoted to grade 2. His report card was excellent and he is an absolute genius in the reading department. His teachers say he is way above grade level. With having a book worm for a mother this does not come as a surprise. We'll miss his teachers especially as they were both the most wonderful ladies I have yet to meet at King Traditional.
I also am moving on. My doctor has passed me off to the 'maternity' doctor now. Now I get to see Dr Shaw who is amazing, wonderful and hilarious! She was my maternity doctor for both the boys and I enjoyed her very much. When I spoke to the receptionist at her office, she pulled up my records and said: Oh my! You've not seen us for a long time. We've put you in storage!
I told her that I had planned to stay in storage but....well....y'know!
lol! keeping you in storage heehee
congrats on the great school year!
Love the pictures, Rachel! What a great way to remember their year. Nathan sure looks like a mini-Terry in that group photo :) Chad must have been a delight to teach if he's such a good reader. Way to go, mom!
I kept hearing all year that Chad loved his teacher so much. Wow! Now I know why.
We are proud of these super grandsons of ours. They are smart, smart, smart, just like their ......... mom.
Three cheers for summer holidays :)
Mr. F. you crack me up!
You're too young for "storage"!
:-) See, having babies does keep you young!!! lol
Congratulations to Nathan and Chad for such great accomplishments with Honour Roll and Exceptional Reading! Hooray for summer break!!!
Now for that monster batch of monster cookies....right???
It IS such a relief to get a break from the school routine, isn't it?
Congratulations to your exceptional sons! And to you and Keith for helping them to be that way. :)
Is it just me, or does your pregnancy ticker baby suddenly look like a BOY!?!?! :-)
hey rach! since your boys are such bookworms you should sign them up for the summer reading club at HOJ. they get prizes just for reading and its *free! :o) just an idea. congrats on all the "moving on" going on in your family. yay for summer!
Dr.Shaw truly rocks. I wish I would have had her for my second as well. :)
Yay for good school years boys!
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