Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Critter Problem

Help! We have raccoons. In the CITY! They are having a party in our backyard every night...complete with food and beverages.
They are drinking and washing their food in our pond, swinging from the neighbor's cherry tree like monkeys and tipping over my cement bird bath! &^%$(
We are looking for an effective way to be rid of these cute but very annoying pests.
Again...advice needed!
As I type this Keith is pelting them with marbles with his slingshot. They just hiss and saunter off...only to return in a little while. They are VERY bold creatures!


Kori's House said...

How about turning the water in your fountain blue??

Stephanie said...

Funny you should mention that. We have them too, but the worst damage they've done is leave their droppings on the grass. Anyway, my co-worker tried paying someone to trap them and haul them away, then learned a much cheaper and effective method was to leave mothballs in a foil dish where they were hanging out. Supposedly, they hate the smell. They were actually coming in the cat door and eating the cat's food before she put the mothballs by the door. You could try that first. I think mothballs are cheap.

QuiltNut Creations said...

we had one go for a swim in our pool Sunday night and completely shred one of the boys soccer balls. we even have them wandering through our yard in the daytime

Terry said...

You have 'coons, Abbotsford has crows, and I have possums. What we need is a repeal of gun control in Canada so we can go back to the good old days when everybody had a firearm in their garage so they could fight off the critters. The critters have no fear, no enemies and are proliferating. A good cull on all three counts would be order. Sorry to all you animal lovers but it is getting to be too much of a good thing.

Keri's Collage... said...

Mothballs sounds like a great trick!

Stephanie said...

My "pet" peeve is my neighbour's 4 cats who think they each own a corner of our property. I am cleaning up after them all over our yard, smell where they've sprayed, hear them running across our roof even. I just can't stand 'em!!! Any ideas???

Terry said...

Stephanie, your grandpa would have some good suggestions in that regard.

Theresa said...

Once I went to get something out of my car later in the evening, and on my front step was a skunk, whatever it was stayed in my car.

Fiona said...

I house sat for a lady once who ASKED me to feed the raccoons in her backyard. It had to be at a certain time otherwise they would scratch on the back door until I brought out the food. WHO DOES THAT? She was a wacko. They were really cute, though. Good luck getting rid of them.

Unknown said...

I have them too and they are getting agressive!!! I am going to call animal control...apparently they will give you and safe trap and then they will come get them in the cages and gently MOVE them to a new area:)