Saturday, November 01, 2008

Scatter Brain

Well, this is the first Halloween I didn't take one single picture. I feel very remiss.
I can't change it now though. Sigh...
Nathan wasn't interested in going out this year so he stayed home with Keith and Liam to hand out treats. I took Chad around the neighborhood and he filled his bag within an hour. The houses around here really like to decorate for Halloween and Chad was very complimentary to each home owner.
He would say at each house: Trick or Treat! I like your pumpkins! Happy Halloween! Thank-you!
A very polite boy.
Maybe I didn't think of taking pictures because Liam was very fractious yesterday. His tummy was quite upset. I had a headache and body aches and a very short fuse. Keith was irritable as well.
I like the chance to start fresh each day and after a decent night's sleep (Liam was really tiring from all his screaming) today is looking much better.
Speaking of not taking pictures....I haven't in a while. I shall bring my camera upstairs and make a point of getting some updated ones to post!


Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad. There's always next year. :)

Colleen said...

"Remiss"? "Fractious"? Rach, have you been reading the dictionary again? :)

Fiona said...

ha ha! i was thinking the same as colleen. for being scatter brained, you still use big words. :)