Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 8

I started off the week with a random act of kindness! I had my Dad over for brunch after church on Sunday. My mom sometimes has to work on the weekends and I felt sorry for him going home to an empty house. We had waffles with all the toppings, bacon and farmer sausage. Liam gets to try out a Bumbo chair! He likes it for short periods of time. He doesn't really like the feeling of not being able to kick his legs. Thanks for letting me borrow it Kristin.

We paid a visit to the 'aunties' (Kori & Keri) on Wendesday. Liam was cuddled and loved for the afternoon while I sat back and had a nice break. It was great to have some adult conversation!
Liam is sweet, chubby and smiley...lots of fun. Sure beats all the times he's whining, puking and fussing. It's always a variety show around here. The nights are so-so. He is up only once but often has a hard time falling back to sleep after his feed. He is very restless...not crying but not settling down. Any suggestions, mamas?

We take a walk every evening when the weather allows it. Liam has yet to endure a whole walk in his stroller without crying. We decided to try the Snuggli instead and he slept like a baby the whole time. Genius!


Kori's House said...


Thanks for coming over on Wednesday. I enjoyed every second of your visit and all the cuddles :)

That bumbo picture is the best, I love Liam's little feet sticking out :)

Terry said...

Thanks again for the invite. The waffles were yummy. Liam is looking more like himself every day!

Keri's Collage... said...

I loved snuggling with Liam! I think he liked it too :)
It was nice to sit around and chat! It's good for the soul!
My advice is to have a glass of wine before bed and you won't hear him! haha

P.S...I love those little feet too!

Keri's Collage... said...

Oh...and one more thing...Grandad, Nathan and Chad look like they haven't seen food in a while :)
I know that they are well fed..they just couldn't wait to dig in!

Stephanie said...

That picture of Liam in the bumbo seat is tooooo cute! I wish I got to give him a cuddle, Rachel.

villagegirl said...

So, so cute!
I don't know what to tell you about the nights. You are probably just more aware of it because he's so close. Hmm, you got me stumped. Ear plugs?? :)

Unknown said...

Night waking...a sure thing to get the baby back to sleep after a you have a magic bag? it is like a hot water bottle only better now water to leak and make a mess just some sort of beads warm it up not too hot but cozy and then you lay Liam on it or beside it and he goes to sleep like a good thing:)

Chastity said...

Trying out the bumbo already? I meant to get one, but I thought I still had a little time before the girls could even use one.

Lovella ♥ said...

Oh your little guy is looking so much like your big boys. . .so cute. If he is wanting to kick it won't be long and he'll be in the jolly jumper, or maybe he already is. . .my boys spent tons of time in that thing. . as did my grands.
Do you have a fan in his room, at least then you might not hear all the little peeps. . .other than that. . .I have no advice, I'm just here to have peeks and smiles.

Jenn said...

No advice, but he sure is cute... I wish I was around for holding and cuddling him :(

Anonymous said...

The night waking could be so many things. Perhaps it's just a phase he'll grow out of. I know, not exactly helpful. He sure looks grown up sitting in the bumbo seat!

I wanna' come to your house for waffle brunch. You sure know how to put on a spread!