Monday, January 05, 2009

Catching Up

First of all....can I just say 'YEAH' for no school on first day back to school? That was a lovely treat! All this snow is wonderful, yes it interrupts routine but it'll be gone before we know it and we'll all be back to drowning in rain.
Well forget about the rest of those Christmas photos. That is old news now and I don't really feel like going backwards.
We've had a bit of drama at the Dyck household. First of all our cat was put down yesterday. She took a major turn for the worse on the weekend and we just had to put her out of her suffering. The boys took it pretty hard. Nate went with Keith to the vet and was very brave about seeing Bailey out of this world. Chad was doing pretty good until bedtime when he had a major breakdown. Apparently he had noticed that we had already tidied up the cat area a bit and he said we didn't have any 'respect'! The mind of a seven year old....very fascinating.
Nathan was moved into his new room in the basement yesterday as well. (pix to come when it's all looking spiffy) He's so far away from us now and I'll miss just popping by his room to see what he's up to. He had a wonderful sleep the first night and said he was toasty warm. I did buy him a new extra warm duvet from Ikea as I feared it would be chilly down there. He did have a bit of a start this morning. He raced up the stairs first thing with adrenalin pumping! He thought he heard the carbon monoxide detector going off but what it was his alarm set to 'buzzer' instead of the radio! Poor guy....I guess that little talk about safety last night with the smoke alarm and carbon monoxide dectector really stayed with him!
So we are moving Chad to Nate's old room and Liam into Chad's room! It's way more work than I thought it would be but when it's all done everyone should be very happy. I'll be glad to have Liam out of our room and all his stuff which is strewn all over the place to have a home. I hate clutter.
Here are some recent photos of this and that...
Liam has only three more days of using the nebulizer. Thank goodness! He hates it and usually screams and fights us the entire time. The medicicine usually takes 10-15 minutes to process.
Liam got this puppy for Christmas and has really taken a liking to it. I think that it's going to be his 'lovey' for the next few years. Thanks Auntie Tracy!

And lastly, Liam has been introduced to the Jolly Jumper. He seemed to like it and enjoyed being upright and checking out things from a different perspective.


Anonymous said...

I just can't get enough of the Liam pics. He's SO sweet!

Sounds like alot of work switching the boys' bedrooms. Well worth it in the end though. :)

Keri's Collage... said...

Poor Chad :(

My crib is ready for Liam...just let me know when you want it!

Keri's Collage... said...

and...can't wait to see pics of Nathan's new room!

Kimberley said...

that is lots of change in one weekend. hope the settling in goes well for all the boys! liam sure is a cutie!!

Anonymous said...

Liam is too cute for words! That's all I can say. (-:

Murray and Tracy said...

I am so glad that he loves his puppy. I fell in love with in at the store. :) I wish I could come over and hug and kiss him. But I am not back to normal yet. Hopefully soon.

villagegirl said...

Yes, rearranging rooms would be a LOT of work. I'm sure you'll be very happy with the results and glad you have your room to youself again. Can't wait to see the transformation!
That boy just gets cuter every week! How can you stand it? :)

Shawna said...

Glad to hear that things are getting back to "normal".

January is such a great month to re-organize and re-group. It will certainly be nice to have your room back and some space away from the boys ;)

Look forward to seeing pictures of Chad's new digs!

Unknown said...

Jolly Jumpers are a God-send:)

poof said...

Sounds a bit like our New Years Eve's ever since we had that fourth kid.