Monday, March 30, 2009

Food, Glorious Food!

I just finished reading this book. It's a very good book. To me, it's stuffed full of common sense but sadly I think many parents (although well-intentioned) really don't nourish their children as well as they could. Food nutrition has always been of interest to me. I have to publically thank my mom for teaching me to fill my plate with color. This is an easy way to ensure you are getting a variety of foods and vitamins. She would also inform us frequently about which vitamin or mineral was in the food were were eating at that particular time. My mom didn't feed us much processed food except for Kraft Dinner. You could look through the cupboards at home and get rather frustrated at the lack of food (ready-to-eat variety) to eat YET she could whip up amazing dinners with all the ingredients she had on hand. Thank you mom! I now find myself telling my kids all about the different vitamins and how they help our bodies when I serve a meal to them.
I have found that feeding one's children is a sensitive topic...I am not pointing fingers and I don't mean to offend. I would just encourage all the moms out there to keep on serving good 'real' food that isn't flash frozen, pre-packaged or wrapped up in a crinkly bag as often as they can. Your children will be better for it in the long run. Save those foods for treats because we ALL deserve a treat on occasion.
The basic premise of the book is: You are the parent....You decide what they eat...they decide how much.
Good reading.


Canadian Kristin said...

Good advice for sure!

Kerry said...

The book looks great. I agree with you...and we do that with our kids too...even though I don't think they listen to us...YET! :) Hopefully it will sink in. :)

Keri's Collage... said...

I'm with you on this one!!
We grew up with a salad most nights of the week and I now do the same for my kids.

Lovella ♥ said...

Rachel is is such sound advice. I confess that my boys ate a wee too much sopporo ichiban during summer vacations but dinner was scratch food beginning to end. .and well .. they are tough lads.
I know that one thing I would have done different would have been to feed them the same sandwiches we would have eaten .. not removing tomatoes and so on assuming they wouldn't eat them.
I am finding lunch time a bit of a challenge . .with grammie days. . but hey . .I'll just ask you for bits of ideas .. well done.

Passionate Eater said...

Sounds like quite a compelling book with strong suggestions inside. But I agree that homecooked food is the most glorious! Also, I just gave you an award, so feel free to pick it up at my site!

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts Rachel. I try to incorporate fruits and veggies into my kids' diets, but it's definitely easier in the summer months when all their favorites are readily available.

Rachel said...

I don't want to give the impression my boys are fed a perfectly balanced diet each and every day or meal. We all have lots of room for improvement!
When I was pregnant with Nate I ate Ichi Ban just about every day for gross! He's turned out to be my healthiest child so far :)

Chastity said...

You might like this site:

So far, I've made all the twins' food (except cereal), and it's been so stinking easy!!! We aren't doing a ton of food yet, but so far they seem to like everything I've made for them (peas have been their least favorite).

charlotte mgcc said...

this is such a good thing to talk about with other mom's.
our kids nutrition must be a priority for their future health.
my self struggling with weight my whole adult life, good eating habits for my kids were a must from the get go.
oh sure we had kraft dinner and hot dogs once in awhile, but that is not the norm.
when they come home from school and they want problem, you can have two right after you eat your fruit of works, now they don't even ask for the cookies that often, and have established a good eating routine for themselves.
my motto......80% healthy eating.....20% can't be that fussy about it, it is all about balance.

villagegirl said...

Sounds like a great read!
Your other kids are good eaters so I'm sure this one will be no different. i agree with the home made stuff - at least you know exactly what you are eating!