Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all my readers.
I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I didn't get to attend church today. I have an empty feeling and I missed it very much! Unfortunately I came down with an evil UTI and Keith was out all night investigating a fire.
We are heading to my mom's soon for a ham dinner and I do hope that it gives me that 'Easter' feeling!
No matter what I may be feeling I do have a heart full of gratitude for Easter and all it means to Christians around the globe.


Kori's House said...

Risen Indeed!!

Kimberley said...

oh those uti's are so terrible!! hope the family easter lunch cheered you up!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that you missed out on church this morning. I'm sure the day really wasn't the same without it. Hopefully the family dinner made up for it somewhat.

charlotte mgcc said...

shucks...sorry to hear that you are under the weather.
the reality of how we feel and what our circimstances are don't change the fact that He is risen indeed.
i hope that you were able to enjoy your easter dinner and that you feel better real soon.