Friday, June 26, 2009

Baby, You're 9 Months!

Naughty monkey...those remotes are a no-no!
Enjoying his Fisher Price Barn. So glad I saved it all these years!

So, Liam's now been 'out' as long as he was 'in'. Wow! His development has just exploded this past month. He's standing, walking on furniture, waving bye-bye on command, eating everything and anything, and our favorite, saying 'dada' and 'mama'.
He's a ton of work and I can't really leave him alone for a second. He wants to explore, taste, touch and destroy.
He definitely loves to pull himself up to standing on everything. Why sit when you can stand?!

He loves to hang out with Dad on the weekends to get tastes of his breakfast. Pablum day after day has got to be a bit boring!


Kori's House said...

9 months! CRAZY!!

Liam you are so adorable even if you keep your mama running off her feet :)

Stephanie said...

Yes, these next few years are VERY active :) But man, how do you resist that dimple in his chin?! He's getting cuter all the time.

Anonymous said...

I don't envy you chasing your little monkey around all day but I do envy you getting to see that adorable face every day. He is such a sweetie!

Gaye said...

He is SOOOOO cute!

QuiltNut Creations said...

he is just soooo adorable!!

Kerry said...

WOW!! That has gone fast! He's so cute!

Fiona said...

my first thought when i saw these new pics is that he looks older. still as cute as a button, but definitely getting to look more like a toddler than a baby.

Elma said...

He is lovely, just lovely!