Tuesday, July 28, 2009

10 Months

I must interrupt the Irish saga to post Liam's monthly milestone. I am already 2 days late!

So here's our little sweetheart.

He's really changing quickly. He eats anything and everything. He can do a long night of sleep (when he feels like it). He waves, chats and plays shy. He's all boy and loves to throw things and bang things to make noise. We've had to put a gate up so he doesn't tumble down the stairs and basically watch him like a hawk. He's good at touching everything he shouldn't but does understand 'no' and once in a while actually obeys.

I'm sort of sad to have to go back to work and leave him when he's starting to be so much fun. It will be good for him though because he's quite clingy to his family and he needs to realize that others can care for him too!


Murray and Tracy said...

What a sweetie. He has changed so much. :) Ahhh!!!!

Murray and Tracy said...
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Anonymous said...

He's just as adorable as ever. Just think, he'll be 1 before you know it!

Jenn said...


Fiona said...

Abso-freakin'-lutely adorable.