Saturday, October 31, 2009


This was Keith's year to do fireworks patrol so it was just me and the kids. Nate didn't really want to go out but I certainly wasn't going to leave him home alone on Halloween. Chad is still pretty keen to go trick or treating.

I thought it would be cute to get Liam in on the fun. Since he loves to roar like a lion I did my best to give him a few whiskers. Sadly he face planted on the kitchen floor shortly after and had a bloody nose that messed up his look pretty good.
He's had a cough all week so thankfully my mom offered to keep him for the evening as it was very chilly tonight.

We headed over to Kori's to meet up with the gang for our evening of fun. Nate and Karli didn't consult on their costume but were certainly cute cowpokes.

Keri showed up a few minutes later with her 'freaks' and we were off!

We walked for 2.5 hours! That equals a ton of candy which Keith and I will have to do our part in helping 'get rid' of it :)

A good night had by all. It was cold but dry which was great. Now, excuse me while I make sure my kids floss and brush properly tonight!


Keri's Collage... said...

It turned into a fun night! And the kids were 'tricked' into exercising for their candy! Taking them up-hill was a good idea!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really fun night! How goes the 'chore' of getting rid of the candy?

Kori's House said...

That was a fun night. We should drag our kids out for a 2.5 hour walk every night :)

Now for the teeth brushing... ugh.

Fiona said...

Do you think getting Halloween candy is a good enough reason to have kids? haha :)