Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Long Time No Post

I haven't been bringing my camera with me anywhere lately. A post without a picture isn't much fun so maybe that will excuse my absence?!
Liam loves toys that aren't specifically toys! He can be happy with a jar and lid. A fridge magnet. A whisk and wooden spoon. Isn't it just the case? He's got a basket full of lovely things specifically for him in the living room yet he wants MY stuff! He knows which cupboards he is allowed into and routinely pulls out all the plastics or all my pots and pans. Thankfully he has stopped trying to get under the sink where all the dangerous no-no's are kept!
I'm not one to put childproof locks on the cupboards. I'd rather teach them to stay out and also keep them closely supervised. I'm sure others would call that haphazard parenting but it's worked for me so far.
Although you wouldn't know to look at me there has been a high level of anxiety right under the surface. I've even been waking up at night with panicky thoughts running through my mind. Next week I start four days a week at my job. Gone are the days of leisure....here come the days of being extremely organized. Gone is my co-worker/trainer....here come the days of having no one to ask what to do when I'm stuck! Of course, I'm sure it will all work out as it usually does but I am a bit stressed. A lady I know in the elementary school has told me that it took her 5 years to feel like she really knew what she was doing! I hate making mistakes and not feeling confident in my job. It wouldn't be as bad if the other ladies knew my specific tasks but they don't. I am taking over the budgets, spreadsheets, and money side of things that was all specifically done by Marilyn. She has assured me that she is only an email away so I am going to hold her to that. She's been so patient with me and I'll miss her very much even though I've only known her a short time. She has told me that she thinks my abilities are quite suited to the tasks so I do appreciate her vote of confidence! DEEP BREATH. Just going to take one day at a time.
Otherwise everyone in our house is healthy and doing well. I am getting a bit worried about this H1N1 flu though. I had poo-poo'd it last month and then I heard about a healthy young mom dying of it in Mission and my radar went up. A scary thing indeed. I'm doing the best I know how to keep us all healthy with plenty of hand washing and not touching anything in public. This is a challenge for my older boys who like to run their hands along rails, walls, checkout stands etc. I've also decided not to put Liam in shopping carts anymore either. They are full of germs and even though I generally wipe them down first, he's got his hands all over the thing! I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Ramble, ramble.....perhaps my next post will be a bit more exciting!


Ang said...

You're gonna be fabulous! You catch on to things quickly and you'll soon be surprised at how natural it all is for you. Another great pic of your gorgeous baby boy!

Keri's Collage... said...

I have known you long enough to know that you are very organized and task oriented. I am sure you will do just fine standing on your own two feet Rach!
The anxiety of starting a new routine is probably the real stressing part! Once you get settled into your new routine you will do great!

Kerry said...

I'm sure you'll do well at your job. I'll be praying for you. As for the swine flu thing...my kids have gotten used to me carrying around the hand sanitizer. I'm also one to wipe off the shopping carts.

Keri's Collage... said...

I was feeling crummy so came back to take a look at Liam :) He put a smile on my face!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it probably won't be too long from now that you'll be so used to everything at work that you'll wonder why you were ever worried. In the meantime I'll be praying for you. :)

QuiltNut Creations said...

you can do it Rachel! hope the next week goes smoothly and you aren't too stressed about it

our school(elementary and HS) were closed today due to a flu outbreak. school won't confirm or deny it is H1N1. i'll be honest, i'm worried

villagegirl said...

I'm sure you'll do very well! It's usually the unknown or just the thought of something that is the most stressful.
I know what you mean...I was very confident in my thoughts that they were making a big deal about nothing and suddenly it's getting a bit close to home. We've been doing our handwashing bit too. It's so hard to keep track of where everyone's hands have been!
I'm praying that it will pass us by quickly.

Fiona said...

I was in the spot in March when I started my new job. I know what you mean. It's scary. I took my "trainer" up on her offer to email her, too, and now I can't remember the last time I emailed her. You'll do great! :)

Anneliese said...

Hi Rachel, I just spent some time here catching up ...you are one busy Mom! Working 4 days now? All the best!
I like your method of teaching about "no" - not rubber bands on cupboards. It's more true to life...as half hazzard as it is.