Saturday, August 28, 2010


I started back to work this week. Oi!
It was seriously hard on this gal's old worn out brain cells after 6 weeks of time off. One of the hugest tasks I have before school starts is to order, receive, sort and deliver the supplies for 390 students. It's a massive task and makes my insides quake if I think about it too hard!

Yesterday I took Nathan to work as I really, really needed an extra set of hands to put a dent into my job. He was incredibly helpful, confident and amazing. So thankful for him! Also, one of the grade 8 teachers took pity on me and gave me several hours of her time to help out which was so appreciated. Thank you Lisa.

It was nice to round off the day with an outdoor movie with my BFFs and kids. We got all cozy with our chairs and blankets and enjoyed 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs'.

It looks like a poor turn out but we were early and by the time the movie started the field behind us had completely filled up with families. Even though I was exhausted I'm really glad I made the effort to go!


Anonymous said...

I wish I lived closer. I totally would have loved to help you sort through all of those supplies.

Jennie said...

I so thank you for all the hard work you did (and do!) with the school supplies and all year long! You and the rest of the office staff are AMAZING!! :)

Keri's Collage... said...

I would have loved to sort too! I love that kind of thing!
Thanks for coming to the movie! It was a cute show and even with the cold air it was fun!

QuiltNut Creations said...

I absolutely love the fact that we get our school supplies supplied for us and I never thought until you blogged this that someone has to sort all those supplies lol.