How do you handle disappointments in your life?
I don't have a very good track record in this department. It took me a long time to realize that I have a lot of growing up to do in this area. Mostly, to protect myself from the huge let down I feel when disappointments happen to me I don't let myself get too excited about things in the first place.
I tend to keep an open mind that situations can go one way or the other. It's a defensive action that seems to work for the most part.
Recently I forgot about this little mind game I play with myself and got excited about a situation that was in no way 'for sure'. Sadly, the situation did not work out to my liking and now I am down in the dumps about it. It can be a bitter pill to swallow when you 'think' that everything should have gone your way and in your view there was no reason for things NOT go your way. But God always has His plans and they are not always in line with our plans. Sometimes later down the road things are revealed that end up making sense and you say....ahhhhh, so that's why it didn't happen! But there are also many times when it doesn't make sense and it never makes sense to our human eyes. This is when our faith in God's promises keeps me going. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God's got our best interests in mind. What would we do without this hope?
For people that don't know God, they can only shrug their shoulders and think it wasn't meant to be. I'm so glad I have a firm foundation to rest on in times such as these and I get the reassurance that God cares about everything that happens to me (or doesn't happen for that matter)!
i can totally understand what you're going through. that's been our life for the past 2 years as we continue to wait on God for his timing of provision for us. i've gotten my hopes up a few times this year alone, only to be disappointed by things not working out the way i thought they would. in hindsight, i can see how it was in our best interests that they didn't, but until that happens (if it does), it sure can be difficult to accept. thinkin' of you!
Thanks for sharing Rach! This is a good reminder to continue to trust God. He ALWAYS wants the best for us and yet we still sometimes let ourselves think that we are big girls and we can make our own decisions even when they aren't God's will.
Lesson Learned... again :)
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saved those who are crushed in spirit" Psalm 34:18
I'm right there with you. I have to remind myself on an almost daily basis that God's plans are not always the same as mine and that He knows best. It is hard though when disappointments come along.
I'm sorry you were let down. I do the same thing - temper my inner YAY! so I won't hurt as much if something wonderful doesn't happen. You are right though about God's faithfulness. He has our long-term I love you for the long haul in mind. One day it'll be good and glorious forever and ever, amen! I love the verse Kori gave you. And that photo rocks! The dumps begin earlier for some than others. I just wanna blow bubbles at him and lift his spirits.
Being wise is hard sometimes and you are being wise
I completely understand.
I'm a planner. I like to know what's coming and how it's going to all turn out. But life isn't like that and you are very wise in believing the things that don't happen - even though terribly disappointing at the time - are for out good. God is good. And his plans are to prosper us. It's a good verse to hang on to. I like Kori's too. I hope you will see the good coming out of this soon.
I'm right there with you Rachel! I too don't let myself get too excited until things are actually about to happen. I usually find God's timing SLOW compared to how I want things to go, but looking back, it's always best.
Rachel, I think I can relate to that defense mechanism of not conjuring up too many fancy things in my mind before they happen...I don't like being disappointed. Well... who does? You have said it well... God has the best intentions and I'm glad we can trust Him.
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