Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Potty Talk

Liam is fascinated with potty talk.  Bathroom talk.  Bum talk.
He loves to say poop, pee, toot, and let's not forget his all time favorite.  Bum-crack.
Somehow we've discovered that by letting him say all these words to his heart's content the novelty is wearing off.  The catch is that he can only say them while he is physically in the bathroom.  So, basically at bathtime he's saying all his favorites in a sing-song voice and telling me what a good boy he is because he's in the bathroom doing this.
He does obey quite well at times!
Anyhow, this my friends is where my life is at right now.


Anonymous said...

Haha! That's great! I think this calls for some video footage. ;)

Trace said...

HAHA!! Hilarious!

Kimberley said...

LOL!!!! I'm trying to laugh quietly cuz Hudson is sleeping, but that is priceless!! What an obedient boy, but how hilarious it would be to hear Liam sing the word "bum-crack" while playing in the bathtub. I'm still giggling! That's awesome. Keep those stories coming!

White Girl said...

haha! That is so funny! And I think that you are teaching him such an important lesson about knowing when it is an isn't appropriate to say certain things.

Hmm... maybe I should learn that lesson!

Gaye said...

THAT is hilarious!
It's a stage. Flying off to Mexico tomorrow. Will tell your parents.
Bumcrack! Tee-hee!

QuiltNut Creations said...

Bum-crack? lol!!!

Terry said...

Can't wait to get him in our bathroom and hear the recital. Haha!