Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fresh & Clean

Liam gets a bath every night whether he likes it or not.  He does mostly like it though because he gets to blow bubbles in the tub. 

 He also practices his back float.
 And we like to play with his jungle animals.
And Liam makes up silly things like calling his toots 'bum crack thunder'.  Yep...he's very creative!

There is nothing quite like tucking in a sweet smelling boy into bed. 

On another note, this is day two of no Facebook.  I'm doing alright!  Yesterday there were moments in the day that I had clever things to put onto my status that could not happen.  And I got a friendship request in my inbox today.  AND last night I dreamed that I met Princess Kate Middleton and as I was chatting with her (she was very lovely) I was thinking about how sad I was that I could not share my experience on Facebook!  Crazy, or what?!


Trace said...

Bum crack thunder? That's just too funny!!

Terry said...

Who said withdrawal would be easy?

Anonymous said...

What a hilarious little guy you have there!

I was missing Facebook a lot yesterday but I'm doing better today.

villagegirl said...

hee hee, I'm sure no more crazy than any one else going through fb withdrawl.
I love the bum crack thunder!! That's humorous as only a mother of boys can find! :)