Friday, March 16, 2012

Green Monster

Among my least favorite character traits I possess in the 'green-eyed monster' of jealousy.  It most certainly isn't an all consuming feeling nor do I feel like it's out of control but it does rear it's head now and again.  With all this nasty cold weather I have been feeling a bit envious of all the families I know that have escaped to warmer climates for spring break.  I am happy for them....don't get me wrong!  Everyone deserves a break.
I have so much to be thankful for, that the feeling never stays for long.  I just need to start counting my blessings and I can immediately see that feeling sorry for myself is just plain wrong.  One main thing I am happy about is that last time this year I was packing up for a big move.  Now we have been in our home just about a year I am so thankful for it.  It is a wonderful house....a house I had always hoped to have.  I am also super thankful that we are all healthy.  I don't just mean from colds and flus but from the bigger illnesses out there that strike without warning. 
Even though finances are now tighter I am thankful that we can send our kids to a fine Christian school where they are getting more than an academic education. 
So, even though we are sticking it out at home for spring break there is no way I am going to wish I was elsewhere.  I truly have everything I have always hoped and dreamed for.  I just need to remind myself now and again!
And not all is lost as we are having our own mini-vacation next week and the destination is very warm!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I definitely hear you on this one. I'm right there with you.

Fiona said...

Couldn't agree more! I'm pretty done with this cold weather as well, but great reminder to be happy in whatever situation because it could always be worse ... very true. On another note, if you'd asked me how long I thought you'd been in your new place, I honestly would've said 6 months at the longest! Crazy! Really ... where did this year go?

QuiltNut Creations said...

you are not alone :)

Kori's House said...

I recall this same feeling last year and i swore I would not stay home this year. I couldn't take it. If we had two weeks of sunshine here it would be tolerable but the grey skies get old real fast! We shall start praying for a sunny spring break next year!
If it makes you feel any better we did have two very chilly days in Palm Springs and one VERY wet day.