Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Day O'May

Here we are at the end of May and it's been my quietest blogging month yet this year.  At the same time it's been one of the busiest months of my year! 

What's been happening:

-Victor and Melissa are still with us and will be until the end of June.  It's going alright but I am certainly going to enjoy being back to just 'us' once they leave.  They are good kids but unique in many ways and do require a lot of  'mothering', driving around and supervision.  I feel like my time to my own family is I'm quite glad this is a temporary arrangement.  Melissa is going through grad week right now and her parents are here in town this week.  Thankfully they are driving her to all events!  My kids are also tired of sharing a room and look forward to things settling back down to normal.
-We had a flood in our basement last week when the toilet overflowed.  It was very upsetting as it seeped into our media room carpet.  Keith had to rent an industrial cleaner to deal with the carpet and heavy duty fans to dry out the floor and walls.  It's not quite back to rights yet but it doesn't look like there was any permanent damage.
-We enjoyed a great night out with the Jones and Unrau peeps at Jake's Grill in Lynden last weekend.  I had beef brisket for the very first time and I promise you it won't be the last time!  It was the tenderest beef I have ever had and the BBQ sauce was amazing!  I highly recommend checking this place out.  Aside from the great food, Keith and I so enjoyed the respite from our five children and decided we must do this on a more regular basis.
-Nate has not been too successful in finding summer employment so he is going to be a volunteer at our church's daycamp program for 2 weeks in July.  It will be great experience for him and will boost up his resume for next summer. 
-We dithered for a while but have decided that we will be taking an International student this fall for the entire school year.  With both our kids going to MEI next year, we wanted a way to help pay for the tuition short of me getting another part time job!  It's a bit exciting and nerve-wracking too!  Our student will be from Inner-Mongolia and he's 16 years old.  From his application it seems like he would be a good fit into our family.  Time will tell though and we do have a chance to 'give him back' if it doesn't work out.  Of course, I'll be blogging all about our experience.

I think that's all for now.  Bring on June and bring on SUNSHINE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like you've got lots going on lately. How nice that you were able to have an evening out with friends and get a small break.