Monday, July 09, 2012

A Reason to Gather

My Dad's side of the family (the Friesen clan) have become somewhat scattered over the past several years.  The regular gatherings have sadly become a thing of the past due to geographic restrictions.  Yet a good portion of the family managed to all gather this past weekend to celebrate my Grandpa's 90th birthday.  We all got together at Ron & Carla's for a BBQ on Saturday night and the next afternoon moved our party to the Menno Home to have cake with Grandpa.  It was wonderful to see everyone!

 Three of my wonderful aunties.  Carla, Chris and Gaye.

 All of us!  Missing three cousins and their families though.
 Feeding us all was quite  feat.  Well done, Kamps crew!

 Some of us show our love in the form of play fighting!
 The Watkin family spend the night at our place and Liam bonded with his two second cousins Lukas and Olivia.  They are as sweet as they look!

Missing quite a few of his grandchildren but we went for the photo-op anyhow! 

My Grandpa has very strong genes.  Most of his siblings are alive and kicking....very healthy folk all in their 90's.  Grandpa is pretty healthy but quite frail.  He mainly lives on chocolate.  True story.

 With some of the great-grands.

And then with four of his five children.

We had a nice visit in the relief of air conditioning.  It was a scorcher yesterday!  So happy to see everyone and hope we can do this again sometime soon.


Terry said...

We are calling for volunteers for a planning committee for the 100th celebration in a year from now. These volunteers will have to be from your generation. :) Grandpa got enough chocolate to keep him going for another ten years.

Stephanie said...

Yes, we should try really hard to get everyone together next time!