Saturday, April 06, 2013

Coming Home

We woke up at 6 am in order to eat breakfast and disembark by our designated time of 8:35 am.  It was dark and we were just pulling into port as I drew the curtains.  There were two other ships coming in right after us as well.

 We had our final breakfast at the buffet and I didn't indulge in my usual gluttony of all the yummy things I had been eating.  I just have to say their scrambled eggs were so good every single day!  I had my usual toast and cold cereal.  I had a jumpy tummy for the flight ahead.  The restaurant was playing sad music instead of their usual upbeat tunes. That made us laugh a bit and then I laughed too much and I got teary.  Goodness!!  I blame hormones.
 Our final walk around the ship....took a few more pictures.  It was overcast but muggy.
 The Glass Blowing Show area.  We never did watch this.
 Farewell Fort Lauderale.  We do hope to be back!
 This wasn't a pretty terminal from this side of the boat.  Very industrial.
 So we waited at the assigned spot at 8:35 for about 45 minutes before we were let off the ship.  We scanned our sea pass in the card reader one last time and headed down the gang plank.  We picked up our luggage in the giant terminal and found they had BROKEN my telescopic handle on my giant suitcase so that really sucked.  We had to then line up for customs which took about 20 minutes and then took a taxi to the airport. It was all extremely well organized.  We got to the airport to find our flight was delayed an hour.  Sigh.
So we got back into the waiting game.  Thankfully that airport at free WiFi and I found that I was able to use both my Ipod touch and Kobo to communicate with my loved ones back home.  That was bonus!
The flight to Altanta was bumpy just like the flight down.  Upon descent we dropped a few times and I started to cry.  Keith was half sympathetic and half annoyed with my hysterics.  I told him that we were going to rent a car in Atlanta and drive home the rest of the way. 
Our layover in Atlanta wasn't very long.  Just enough time for Keith to grab a hot dog and I had a yogurt. 
 Thank goodness the flight to Seattle from Atlanta was very, very smooth and uneventful.  I was able to calm down and endure it.  This time we were at the back of the plane which I don't like.  We were surrounded by toddlers and babies, next to the bathrooms and close enough to hear the flight attendants gossiping in the back galley the entire time.  At least that was a distraction!
We landed on time at Seattle, our luggage came too and Keith's mom was there to pick us up!  SUCCESS!
At this point I was beyond exhausted and just wanted to get home but I knew I needed some protein in me so we stopped at a Starbucks so Keith could get coffee and I could get a sandwich.  Then we just headed straight north.  No issues at the border and before I knew it we were pulling into the driveway.  I flew into the house and hugged my boys really tight!
Liam was at my mom's and we picked him up the next morning after an awesome sleep in our bed.
He was so happy to see us.  He hugged me so hard and so long and kept pulling back to look into my eyes.  It was a good moment.  He told me he was smiling right up to his ears, he was so happy.
 We came home to glorious sunshine which was awesome.  It felt like we had left in winter and come home to spring.  Nate had received a badminton set for his birthday and it was fun to play with them in the sunshine.
And that my friends is a tale of our cruise.  Yes, we would cruise again and highly recommend Celebrity Cruise Lines. Yes, the horror of flying is worth it in the end.  Yes, we feel refreshed.  Yes, we are thankful that we could have this trip...huge thank you to Andrew, my parents and K's parents who all took care of our kids so brilliantly!


Karis said...

it was fun to read all your cruise blog posts!!felt like i went on a trip too ;-) karis

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you had a great time and that your trip left you feeling refreshed.

So, I'm thinking we need to plan a big ol' couples trip for next time. ;)

villagegirl said...

It just truly looks like you had the most amazing time! I'm so glad!!
I loved seeing each day with you - feel free to post more pictures that didn't make it into these days.
I want to see some of those islands one day.

cayman77 said...

Looks so fun! Love that color top on you! the bright pink!