Back the truck up. I have a bit of catching up to do.
We were surprised (as we are every year....we don't catch on quick) by Heather and Jeff with a day out of the office back in June. They drove us to a mysterious destination which ended up being the gondola just outside of Squamish. My words couldn't do the scenery have a look!
I was desperate for the loo on the way up. We had been treated to Starbucks at the start of our journey and that iced coffee went right through me. We stopped at Brittania Mines and I was so very frantic that I didn't noticed that I used the men's bathroom. Hilarious actually! We laughed for a long time about that because Kori just blindly followed me in there and used it too.
The ride up to the peak was stunning to say the least. I was a tad bit nervous as I don't like heights.
But this fantastic view was worth it. The air was warm and we just sat and soaked up the views.
Wow. I highly recommend. There are hiking trails up there and a lovely restaurant with a huge patio.
We were treated to a yummy lunch where we just sat and talked the afternoon away. I love my job but that did beat working in the office for sure!
On the way back down we saw these workers....ummm....never ever could I do that!
The gondola stopped at one point which made me a tad queasy. Good thing I travel with an airline barf bag!
Not quite our wheels home but it's fun to dream!
Simply the best school office crew there is to be had! I'm so very blessed.