Thursday, November 27, 2008

9 Weeks

His big brothers did this to him. Poor little Santa baby!
Oh the smiles are delightful!

Wow...I have THREE kids!
Nathan is beyond amazing in his care for Liam. He'll make a wonderful dad one day.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Plump Bits and Pieces

Liam has really packed on weight in the past 2 weeks. At his 2 month check up yesterday he weighed in at 13 lbs 8 oz! He was dressed so one could subtract a bit of that weight but when you consider he was at 9.6 lbs two weeks ago it is quite a dramatic jump!
The doctor told me he is in the 90th percentile for his age. Excellent! It's always happy news for the mum to hear her baby is thriving.

Here's some proof of our growing boy....

Chubby legs (inherited from his mother)

Chubby Cheeks

My favorite...a chubby wrist

Saturday, November 22, 2008


The dreaded report cards came home yesterday. Both kids were so anxious for us to open them! Nathan was a little nervous because he really wanted to make honor roll. Well, he did awesome and easily made the honor roll! We're very happy that all his (and our) hard work paid off. Chad did amazing as well. His reading skills are superior and he is a very well liked member of his class. Both boys did us real proud!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 8

I started off the week with a random act of kindness! I had my Dad over for brunch after church on Sunday. My mom sometimes has to work on the weekends and I felt sorry for him going home to an empty house. We had waffles with all the toppings, bacon and farmer sausage. Liam gets to try out a Bumbo chair! He likes it for short periods of time. He doesn't really like the feeling of not being able to kick his legs. Thanks for letting me borrow it Kristin.

We paid a visit to the 'aunties' (Kori & Keri) on Wendesday. Liam was cuddled and loved for the afternoon while I sat back and had a nice break. It was great to have some adult conversation!
Liam is sweet, chubby and smiley...lots of fun. Sure beats all the times he's whining, puking and fussing. It's always a variety show around here. The nights are so-so. He is up only once but often has a hard time falling back to sleep after his feed. He is very restless...not crying but not settling down. Any suggestions, mamas?

We take a walk every evening when the weather allows it. Liam has yet to endure a whole walk in his stroller without crying. We decided to try the Snuggli instead and he slept like a baby the whole time. Genius!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Gene Pool

My parents think Liam looks like my brother. I'm not sure! What do you think?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

7 Week Update

ANOTHER Liam post. Sorry. Skip to the next blog if you are weary of baby talk!
Here are some snippets of the past week...

Keith and Liam dead to the world in slumber.

Very perky and bright-eyed

As you can see Liam is fully weaned now. The feelings of guilt and failure are beginning to fade as I enjoy seeing Liam thrive and gain weight.

Trying to hard to catch a smile....this is what you get for now.

My mom has us to dinner once a week so she can see Liam. The rest of us are second rate!

Friday, November 07, 2008

6 Weeks

Our little darling is six weeks old today! In the past week he's been giving out a few smiles and generally taking more notice of the world around him. He can stay awake for just about two hours now. He weighed in today at 9 lbs 6 oz! He's definitely not a wee babe anymore.
Everyday we can see changes in him and it's so exciting to watch!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Baked Potato & Leek Soup with Bacon and Chives

I am still on a bit of a soup kick from last fall. Decided to try a new recipe for supper yesterday because I have so much spare time on my hands these days :)
Email me if you want the recipe. It's really quite amazing!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

My Three Sons

Liam is 5 weeks old now. I could eat his fingers right up! It's so cannibalistic.

Liam is doing a lot better with his bath. He's improved from screaming his fool head off to whimpering. What's not to like, Liam!?

For some reason the boys think diaper changes are a spectator sport. Note Liam flailing about. His startle reflex is excellent!

I thought I should include some pictures of Nathan and Chad too :)

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Scatter Brain

Well, this is the first Halloween I didn't take one single picture. I feel very remiss.
I can't change it now though. Sigh...
Nathan wasn't interested in going out this year so he stayed home with Keith and Liam to hand out treats. I took Chad around the neighborhood and he filled his bag within an hour. The houses around here really like to decorate for Halloween and Chad was very complimentary to each home owner.
He would say at each house: Trick or Treat! I like your pumpkins! Happy Halloween! Thank-you!
A very polite boy.
Maybe I didn't think of taking pictures because Liam was very fractious yesterday. His tummy was quite upset. I had a headache and body aches and a very short fuse. Keith was irritable as well.
I like the chance to start fresh each day and after a decent night's sleep (Liam was really tiring from all his screaming) today is looking much better.
Speaking of not taking pictures....I haven't in a while. I shall bring my camera upstairs and make a point of getting some updated ones to post!