Thursday, September 30, 2010


This is not an original 'Rachel's Planet' post today. This comes from my friend Sonya's blog. I loved her post so much that I had to copy it here (with her permission, of course)!
She's a wise woman.

You're the parent. You're in charge.

I'll never forget a conversation we had with some acquaintances many years ago. We had just had Paige and they had just had their first daughter. They came over one evening for a visit and were surprised to discover that our girls, particularly our baby, were in bed by 7pm. The wife looked at us in complete shock and asked, "How do you do that?" The husband added that his wife would stay up all hours of the night waiting for their baby to fall asleep. We informed them that all we did was put our kids to bed at the time we felt was appropriate for them to go to bed. They looked at us, eyes big as saucers, as though they just couldn't believe it.

All I could think was, who's in charge? You or your child? Clearly, for them, it was their child. People haven't changed though over the 17 years I've been a parent. I had a conversation with somebody just last week who was upset because their 14 year old was dating somebody they didn't approve of and they didn't know what to do about it. I just wanted to shake this person and say, "Seriously? It never occurred to you that you are the parent and have the power to say 'No, this is not acceptable'?"

But I've found that in today's society this is increasingly the case. I'm not entirely sure why this is. I suppose in some cases parents want to be friends with their children and are hesitant to do anything that might make their children mad at them. I think it's also maybe a bit about this "me" generation and the sense of entitlement kids today have. They want it all, they want it now and they expect their parents to give it to them. And we've been brainwashed into thinking this is how it's supposed to go. How sad.

Just to be clear, I'm not advocating that we all be mean dictators over our children, preventing them from ever having or doing things that they want. And it's good and important to involve your children in conversations that allow them input into decisions that affect their lives. But when you're a parent it's up to you to create & enforce boundaries for your children, to teach them, to pass your wisdom on to them. That's your job. That's what's expected. Children can't do it for themselves, as much as they sometimes think they can. The power is in your hands. Use it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

East Coast Booty

My brother took a 'cross Canada' trip this month and brought back some great souvenirs for us all. He took over 1800 photos and I look forward to seeing the best of those. Sorry Andrew....but even for you I could not endure that many pictures! Some highlights were Quebec City, PEI and Boldt Castle (our distant relatives).
The boys got these great beach towels. I'm so irritated with the graininess of the kids faces with the nice clear towels. Sometimes my camera gets me so frustrated!

For Liam there was a PEI lobster stuffy, for Keith some real maple syrup and I got an 'Anne of Green Gables' apron!
We all love our gifts Andrew...thanks for thinking of us on your whirlwind roadtrip!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

He's Hot

Sorry Dad in advance. Either this photo with embarrass you or amuse you. I'm taking a risk towards the amusement factor!
My dad was a great sport for letting me play with his hair. I was always keen to sit behind him on the floor and dress up his short hair in barettes, elastics and bobby pins. I'm not sure how it evolved into the make up, jewellery and earrings though! Do you remember what's going on here, Dad?!
Isn't he sauve in his mustache? Too bad his perm had grown out. Yes, my Dad even had a PERM! He really was stylin'!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sweet Little Two

We celebrated a certain little man's second birthday last night. His birthday is actually today though...just for the record.
We had fun blowing out the candles and seeing Liam's delight with being the centre of attention.
He loves his new toddler scooter among all his other fabulous gifts.

Auntie Koko and Liam having an art attack.

And the best gift of the night....a tool box with all manner of tools inside. He's in his glory.'s taken a wee while but I can say with my whole heart that I cannot imagine life without you in it! You are a delight. Love you forever.

Friday, September 24, 2010

16's 16 years for us. I won't go on about the ups and downs in the life of a marriage. We all know it's a tough yet rewarding road. But what I do want to go on about is my husband...about all that he is and does!
He's loyal
He's faithful
He puts his family first
He's a good provider
He's strong
He's smart
He's creative
He's generous
He's open to improve himself
He's sensitive
AND....he's all mine!

He chose me 19 years ago and made it permanent 16 years ago. I love him and want each year to get better and better.

The end.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thank You God for Creating Yams!

I'm sorry to say that I had never had a yam until I met Keith. Or a parsnip or a turnip or squash. His mom is fond of making root vegetables and it actually took me several years to even try them at his family dinners. I am proud to say I am extremely fond of all root veggies now although the yam has a special place in my heart (or should I say palate)!
A pan of roasted yams is about as good as it gets. I could and do eat loads of them prepared in this fashion.
When my friend mentioned roasted yam soup on facebook I asked for the recipe straight away. I am more than pleased to tell you it's a divine thing....smooth as silk with a fabulous flavour. Here is the recipe with all credit going to my friend Jenn!
Peel and cube three good sized yams. Chop one onion and a few garlic cloves. Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast in a shallow pan at 375 degrees until tender.
Transfer to a large soup pop and add enough chicken stock to cover yams. I find that using the cartons (rather than OXO or bouillon cube) is best as the flavour is fabulous. Bring to a boil and simmer. Season to taste. At this point I used my immersion blender and pureed it all up nice and smooth. If it's too thick just add more stock.
Serve with a good crusty loaf of bread and you've got a warm and delicious meal.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Young Pups

The quality of this photos really stinks as I don't have a scanner anymore. Well, I do have a scanner but it doesn't work. Neither does our printer. Something I'd like to remedy soon!
Anyhow it's a picture of a picture of two very young people who thought it would be a good idea to get married. This was taken at our engagement supper in May 1994.
In honour of our upcoming 16th anniversary it's the topic of this week's 'take me back Tuesday'.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shameless Plug

Of course you all know that Nathan joined up with the Abbotsford Children's Theatre this past spring. He's busy with rehearsals now for the December performance of 'The Nutcracker'. It's NOT a ballet he'll be quick to tell you! He somehow has some sort of inbred hatred of dancing.

Needless to say I've been quite amused to find out that he's got to memorize some complicated choreography for the fight scenes. He's learning that acting is not as easy as it looks in the movies. He probably didn't realize all the work that goes into a production that is beyond memorizing lines. But he's having a great time and I'm really happy for him. They will perform 'The Nutcracker' on Thursday and Friday twice for schools and then there is a Friday night show and a Saturday matinee for the general public. Each child is required to sell at least 10 tickets which will sell out one show. Ten tickets will be no problem for Nathan with all the family we have. I just wanted to give a heads up to anyone that is interested that I can get them tickets now.

I can't promise this will be that last you'll hear about this exciting event :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Territory

For most of my reading career (and I do mean a career as I take my reading very seriously) I have been drawn towards drama, romance or perhaps a historical book or two. This summer my dad convinced me to read some books he had really enjoyed recently. First of all I discovered Ken Follett with 'Pillars of the Earth' and 'World Without End'. Excellent books. After being drawn into 12th century England I went further out on a limb and delved into 12th century Mongolia! Reading about Genghis Khan no less! The books are very interesting and fast-paced and I'm surprised at how much they are holding my interest. I'm pleased that I have discovered some new genres of fiction to enjoy. I am learning new things about historical events and enjoying it very much.
I'll always enjoy a good romance or modern day drama when all is said and done but I am happy to know that there are so many good books out there to discover!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Luckiest Girl

What girl doesn't love kisses?! I get them all the time from the four men in my life. You have to admit, I'm one lucky girl!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Veggie Fairy?

We came home this evening to find a massive box of home grown produce on our front doorstep. No name, no note.

I suspect it might have been our neighbor but she hasn't 'fessed up yet. But to whomever it was, we THANK YOU!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

For Kicks on a Saturday Night

The entertainment budget until Christmas is a bit tight so this means quiet weekends! It's good as Keith and I both need to recharge our batteries for the busy weeks ahead. All the weeks are busy now with Chad in soccer and choir and Nathan being involved in the children's theatre and youth group. Add in a few ortho appointments, meet the teacher nights, dinner at mom's and other various obligations and it adds up to our fall schedule. No complaints, it's all good! Just thankful we have all these great opportunities for our kids.
Back to some exciting photos from tonight to show you now....
Nathan was busy doing homework with a special helper. Liam adores Nathan and wants to be where he is most of the time. They have a special bond and I love to watch the two of them together.
What a poser! He knows all about mom and her camera by now.
Keith came home with his computer from work and was working on something or other. I don't ask details! Chad's a nosy parker and always wants to know what everyone's doing.

Since no one was bugging me I took the opportunity to organize Liam's bookcase. A thankless task and it won't look tidy for long. The previous owners turned the closet into a built in bookcase which I think is brilliant. I'd rather have these handy shelves than a closet!

Now it's time for me to pop my baby in the bathtub and get him into bed. He's up much later than usual due to a very late nap which in turn was due to us being out for the afternoon. It's all a vicious cycle.

Perhaps your weekend was much more exciting.....stayed tuned for more life and times of the family.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Starting School

Bloggers over the world are posting about 'first day to school' and I'm no exception!

The day started off with a double rainbow this morning. A great reminder of God's good promises.

I lined up the kids for the traditional pose. It was rushed and I am not happy with it but it will have to suffice. Liam's hair is wild! Grade seven for Nathan and grade four for Chad.

And what a surprise to come home to! Keith got me flowers for surviving my 'first' day of school. He's so thoughtful.

The boys are thrilled with their teachers this year. And everyone knows, if the kids are happy then momma's happy!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Auntie Carla

My auntie Carla and I. Carla is my dad's youngest sister and the aunt who is closest in age to me. I always had a special fondness for her. I always looked up to her as someone who was very beautiful and nice and can remember her dating her now husband and being at their wedding! She had a gorgeous wedding dress and hat and was married in the 'red' sanctuary at Abbotsford Pentecostal! I wore a homemade 'sailor' dress and felt every inch a geek. I think I was eleven years old at the time. Auntie C always paid special attention to her nieces and we loved it. Now she has four beautiful grown daughters of her own and even one roly poly grandbaby! My goodness...when did we all get so old?! Anyways...this one's for you, Carla!

Monday, September 06, 2010

New Beginnings

Times they are a-changin'!

Four nights ago we removed Liam's beloved bedtime bottle from his life. It feels a bit cruel to pull away such a big part of his bedtime routine. He really adored his 'ba-ba' and would start asking for it from the moment we started to take him out of the bath tub each night. Those 8 ounces of warm, creamy milk were the transitioning drug to the land of nod. Keith was completely opposed to this 'weaning' as he is in denial Liam is growing up. I was alone in this quest towards 'big boy' habits!

The first night went well. The second night he didn't even ask about it. The next two nights he asked mournfully and let out a few wails of despair. I knew it had been too easy! At the church nursery on Sunday he spotted an empty baby bottle on the counter belonging to someone else and licked his chops and said 'num num'. Poor little mite!

But I shall see this through...there will be no going back! He'll be two in a few short weeks and there is simply no need to continue sucking on a bottle. He can suck on his soother instead. Stay tuned in a few months for the weaning story. It will be much more painful...I'm confident of that!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Yet Another Revelation

It's another installment of the 'you know you're getting old when...' feature!

It's time to go from: I can't wait to get these shoes off to I never want to take these shoes off!

I've come to the realization that comfort is going to win over price for me during shoe shopping from now on.

I've broken the bank on some amazing shoes for work. I am often run off my feet at work and desperately need to have comfortable tootsies!

I'm a sucker for Mary-Janes!

They are Rockports (hello senior!) and from the moment I tried them on I knew. I just knew...I had moved to a new dimension!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Always Been Green

It's been a few years now that being 'green' is a very popular thing to be. It's pushed on us by the media, politicians, schools and scientists. It's all a very good thing but don't they know that many of us have always been green? Mind you the goal was to save money not save the planet but at the end of the day it was a good thing!

I grew up in a home where my parents conserved heat, made us turn out lights that were not necessary, we used things until they were completely useless and then they were often repaired instead of replaced, my mom bought local produce, were only allowed short showers, we saved up errands for one day and stayed on our end of town.....I could go on! When we moved out of our townhouse to a home with a yard, then the composting began, the garden was grown to supplement our diet and the lawn clippings left on the grass to dry. We probably were the only house on the block with only one garbage can for pick up instead of two on garbage day! Those life lessons have followed me as I now have my own home to manage. We are sticklers for being careful with electricity, waste, and recycling. There is one thing though that I cannot manage to do....wash my whites/bedding in cold water. That is my one indulgence and no one could convince me otherwise :)

Recently our neighborhood was selected to be the test-pilots on a year long program in which the city will now pick up our kitchen compost on a weekly basis. I have my own compost bin in the backyard so really, it's not necessary but I am playing along for now. I like the handy bin they provided for the kitchen anyhow!

So there you go! Being green has not been any big life adjustment for us. We've just continued to do what we've always known is right. Treat your resources with care and don't be wasteful!