Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things I Am Learning

~Liam is fussy
~a demand fed baby is more work than I ever could have imagined
~putting on make up and doing my hair is the one treat I do for myself each day and it feels good ~I can actually function on 3-4 hours of sleep
~not all babies like soothers...even dipped in gripe water
~VW Jettas do not have enough room for three children....we are car shopping
~post partum bodies should not be viewed in mirrors
~swollen legs and ankles don't just disappear after pregnancy....still waiting....
~I will not be able to respond to each of the 200+ emails I have received over the past 3 days...but thanks everyone

Some of you have asked for the 'birth story'. There isn't much to tell. We got to the hospital at 6:15 am. I was prepped for surgery and everything was on time. The spinal took a little longer for some reason and I have a nasty bruise on my back to show for it! The operation was smooth...Keith was with me most of the time. He only left to watch Liam get weighed and cleaned up. I felt very relaxed during surgery. The recovery room was good too....I think the nurses there gave me the best care of my whole hospital stay. I was very sad to find out that Keith and Liam could not be with me in recovery. I had been told otherwise but due to staff shortages it wasn't possible. After I got back to my room some nurse but morphine in my IV against what my chart said and I got very sick. Keith had 'words' with her and it was promptly removed but the gravol I was given to counteract the nausea made me super groggy for the rest of the afternoon. I had so many visitors that day and the next. I appreciated everyone coming so much! The nurse I had for that evening was not really in top form. She kept forgetting to change my IV and Keith kept having to run out to get her. We felt like since it was our third baby they sort of just left us alone. Nice in a way but I did need some basic care! The next day I felt amazing....so good! The doctor came in the late afternoon and said that since I was feeling good (and I think they needed the bed :)) that I could opt to go home that night instead of the morning. He didn't have to ask twice. We were out of there like a shot after dinner. So fast we forgot to get post op instructions for my incision and Liam's umbilical cord clamp removed. Luckily the health unit called on Sunday afternoon so we were able to ask all the questions we had forgotten about. She was very helpful.
So I am home...feeling quite well if I keep on top of my pain meds. I am nursing like crazy. Liam wants to eat and eat and eat some more. I do have milk though and am so grateful for that. I am drinking my special herbal tea and it seems to be doing what it's supposed to. I hope that once my milk supply is established I'll have Liam into a bit of a routine.


Canadian Kristin said...

Hey Rachel, remember to be patient, this baby is so very brand new and fresh and the 'I have a baby' is still sinking in. The nursing will work itself out and you will continue to feel more relaxed into this current Mommy role.....and for sure and for certain, cover up all those mirrors!!! :-)

Unknown said...

Look at the new CRV's...they are AWESOME:)

Lovella ♥ said...

well shoot. . another post. .amazing.
I love the little part about the gripe water. . .amazing stuff, we should own part of the shares on that.
Thanks for the update.

QuiltNut Creations said...

we had #3 at MSA and felt the same, i barely saw a nurse on my second day, it was bizarre lol

and stay away from mirrors lol!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorta' tired just reading about your new routine...or lack thereof. That's one part of having a new baby that I don't envy you.

I'm glad you've posted so often already. I find that I'm thinking about you constantly and hoping that all is going well, so it's nice to get the frequent updates. :)

Oh, and even bodies that are 13 years post partum don't always want to see themselves in the mirror! ;)

Jenn said...

Thanks for another post. You are super woman! I can hardly get a post together and I don't have a newborn constantly milking me ;) None of my babies would ever take a soother... I'm sure you've already learned some of these things years ago but the memories faded... Miss you!!

Passionate Eater said...

Wow, praise the Lord about how Keith acted so wisely! I will keep your family and little Liam in my prayers. Also, I know that might not be the time to mention this, but you look HOT after just giving birth! My sister looked very sweaty, stressed, and her hair looked like a brillo pad! I love the way you are sitting there like a model.

I will definitely keep you in my prayers for other reasons too: your home is going to be testosterone central with your FOUR men/boys! We need lots of estrogen to counteract that.

Shawna said...

Yipee - Milk = happy baby.

Jacob was a huge eater, Cole was to but I didn't have the milk for hims so at 6 months he ended up on formula.

Jacob would eat constantly from 7 pm to 10 pm every night until he was 4 months old. Crazy eh!?!?!

Isn't it funny all the things you forget about when you haven't had a baby in the house for a while?!??!

Ps. I wish you could keep your jetta...I was sad to read that it wasn't enough room...there goes my future car out the window!

Shawna said...

ps. my babies didn't like soothers until week 4 or 6 so be persistent, you will be thankful!

villagegirl said...

I know all about the soothers! One did and one didn't - and not for lack of trying!
You are wonderwoman. No matter how many wee ones you've had - they just plain are a lot of work. Good thing they're so cute! You are doing such a great job already. You are a great mama.

villagegirl said...

P.S. We are car shopping too - maybe we could get a 2 for 1 deal?? LOL

Margarete said...

Dear Rachel and Keith,
Wow so much has happened since I last read your blog. First of all CONGRATULATIONS! on the birth of Liam...he sure is a cutey and I look forward to meeting him soon. Nathan and Chad sure look like proud big brothers.
I was also moved to tears and also moved to pray as I read what happened so soon after you brought Liam home. Praise God for a quick thinking Keith and that everything is OK now. I'll keep praying for restful nights and strength and patience as you establish new routines that will constantly be changing in this first year of babyhood.
Thinking of you all,
fom the Klassens in Vancouver

The Riley's said...

Hi Rachel,
I totally understand wanting the baby on a schedule... I've only recently tried to put Casey on a schedule, it's working for now! I'm glad to hear that your feeling good, those few extra minutes for yourself to put on make-up and do your hair go a long way! Looking forward to seeing you and the baby.