Please pray for us!
I woke up at 11:30 pm tonight to the wonderful sound of puking. Not really knowing where it was coming from, I raced straight to Chad's room and flipped on the he's fast asleep. Hop over to Nate's room and he's sitting there all dazed from just having puked gallons of nastiness all over his bedroom floor. OI VEY!
I called for Keith who was still in the basement working on the computer to come up and please help me n.o.w.!!!!!!
Needless to say this is horrible timing. Please pray for a very speedy recovery for Nathan and please pray that the rest of us stay healthy.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
PS. I sit here blogging. Nate is cleaned up and in a cot in our bedroom. His room is a haz-mat situation. Keith is at his brother's getting their mini steam cleaner.
On the floor? Not fun at all!
Praying for all of not fun! I hate puke, I don't care about cleaning it up, just doing it!
I pray it was just a 24 hour bug and that only he got it!
Oh no! I'll definitely be praying for a speedy recovery and great health for all of you.
.. .of course I'll pray for happy tummy's all around. .. .in the meantime .. run out and buy the gravol ginger pills. I am never without them. My tummy has been funny today too and I'm just swallowing those . .they don't make you sleepy.
What? He's throwing up and he is not even in Small World Pavillion yet? Sorry for making light. We will pray that all is well for all of you, in time for your big trip tomorrow.
Nate is in my prayers, you will have a great trip! Don't worry.
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