Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 6 ~ Time for Break

Even though us adults could tour about day after day, the babies could not. We had to take a day to just chill, hang out at home and let those babies have some regular naps and meals. It was a bit rainy anyhow so a good day to stay home.
Mid-day the gang decided to go on a long walk. I stayed home with Ceara while Liam had a good nap. We perused cookbooks (a shared passion!) and then I baked a cake.
Darryl then took us shoppping as I needed a few more groceries and some hair product as it seemed I was destined to NOT have straight hair due to my flat iron incident. Keith took a turn in the driver's seat and managed not to kill us in a traffic mishap. Well done! The adjustment of driving 'on the other side' was much much easier than I would have imagined. It took a few days and then it all seemed normal.
We came home to find that Sinead had made us all a big pot of potato, cabbage and sausage soup with garlic bread. A perfect meal for a cool day. It was very very good! Darryl and Keith brought home Guinness to have with dinner. I had my first and last pint. I'm just not a beer drinker! We convinced Chad to take a sip for an extra big portion of dessert. There was no convincing Nathan to try it!
Here's an interesting tidbit for you all....after you donate blood in Ireland you get a glass of Guinness to restore your vim and vigour! It's full of iron so good for the blood.

After dinner we all headed to Letterkenny's new town park, Ballymacool.

The weather was a bit dismal but we managed to enjoy the park for a while between rain showers.

The park is situated on a very steep slope that we walked to the top of. What a work out! Here we are...we made it!

Looking down at the play area as we finished our walk. The kids played there as we walked off our dinner.

Darryl was smart enough to bring his umbrella. As we left the heavens opened and there was a big downpour.

We went home to eat the chocolate cake I had made that afternoon. Topped with Irish ice cream it was a real treat. Clodagh loved my 'treats' and told me 'ummm' a few times. That means thank you to her!


Anonymous said...

Man, you did some good eating while you were there. That soup looks scrumptious!

villagegirl said...

It's good to have a break in between gallavanting. :)
Mmm...soup, bread and cake. Sounds like a perfect meal!
Very interesting about the after blood beer! I wonder if that would be enough enticement to get B over his fear of needles? :)

Canadian Kristin said...

Wow! Looks like Ireland has worked its magic on you, Rachel. The photos, your stories, the memories... you have indeed found a pot of gold in those! What a fantastic trip!!!

Keri's Collage... said...

Fun times!
I noticed the barriers beside the swings...what a great idea!
Irish cream on cake? Count me in!

Jenn said...

I'd definitely donate blood more if I got a glass of beer after!

Fiona said...

So... you didn't say whether Chad liked his taste of beer or not? :)