Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Expensive Hardware


He's still smiling. What an adaptable creature. The question is will mom and dad be able to adapt to helping him with his flossing and brushing everyday?!


Kerry said...

Wow, what a trooper!!!

Beth said...

Oooh...I remember that day in my life. I hope his mouth isn't too sore.

And the day I got my braces OFF, I couldn't wait to floss because it would be so simple...

villagegirl said...

What a trooper is right!
I can't imagine.
good luck!

Anonymous said...

I don't know who I feel worse for, Chad or you. I do hope the time goes by quickly though.

Keri's Collage... said...

Vanessa's orhodontist told her a great trick: Floss the uppers on even days and the Lowers on odd days. Doing both at once can be tiring and time consuming and that is usually why it gets skipped. Keeping it simple gives better odds that all the teeth (even the hard ones)get regular flossing!
This works well for Vanessa and now I do it with the other two and they don't even have braces!

Anneliese said...

Kids ARE much more adaptable than adults. Boy, does he ever look like his dad!