Monday, December 10, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 10 ~ Wrapping Paper

Tis no secret that I lack creativity.  And therefore I do not enjoy wrapping gifts.  Heck, I don't even LIKE buying gifts.  I find it very stressful.  Sometimes when I just happen to see something in a store that would be perfect for someone (any time of the year) that is a happy moment.  The pressure of buying stuff for Christmas just creates so much anxiety.  ANYHOW...I do get past it but once all the gifts are bought it's time to wrap.  Generally, Keith and I wrap the presents together.  You can certainly tell which ones are his.  The paper is cut straight, the tape is perfect, the folding impecable.  Mine are lumpy, bumpy and just plain messy!  The two-sided wrapping paper you see below has been the same massive roll from Costco we've been using for a few years now.  No bows, no ribbon, no gift bags.  Just plainly wrapped gifts are under our tree come Christmas morning!


Anonymous said...

I never add ribbons or bows to gifts either. I don't see the point when I know that they're just going to get tossed in the garbage on Christmas morning.

QuiltNut Creations said...

That is great paper! I don't do ribbons or bows either; they just get ripped off lol.

Trace said...

Gift wrapping is not my thing either!