Saturday, November 07, 2009


I love love love a good deal. Paying full price is sometimes necessary but mostly I like to buy things on sale.

I received an email last week from Old Navy that all their outerwear was going to be 50% off this weekend. Bonus! Nathan and Chad both needed new winter coats so this morning, I set off to Langley to see what was on offer. I found that most of the boys winter coats this year have a fur trim on the hoods and Nate was adament that was only for girls. Thankfully we found a rack with some coats without this 'feminine' adornment. Only one style left with sizes for both of them so once again my kids have matching coats. They really don't care about that though!

All the scarves were priced at $1 so I picked up a few for myself.

After leaving Old Navy I decided to pop into the Adidas outlet. I had wanted some new casual sneakers for a long time now. I had checked them out a few months ago to find their prices were not that great. I had hoped to get to the Seattle Prime Outlets to pick up a pair but it seemed like that just wasn't going to be happening anytime soon. As I got closer to the outlet I noticed that there were some big signs that said '40% Off ENTIRE Store'. I liked the sounds of that. I headed straight to the ladies shoes to see a very cute pair for only $39.95! What? They were $69.95 last time I checked. They didn't have my size though. Isn't that always the case? I did see a size 9 though and decided to just give it a try and they fit perfectly! I'm a size 10 generally so these shoes were definitley meant to be mine. To sweeten the story further, once I got to the till, they marked them down another 40% and then ended up costing me $23.97. Now that my friends is the best deal I have found in ages!!!


Kori's House said...

AWESOME!! You know how much I love a great deal!!
I got the email about the scarves and was sad I couldn't get out there. bummer... $1.00!!!

Kerry said...

That's awesome!!! I love deals and rarely ever buy anything if it isn't on sale...must be the mennonite in me. :) Love the shoes!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! There's nothing like some great deals to make a good day even better.

QuiltNut Creations said...

that is an awesome deal! gotta love it!!

Ang said...


villagegirl said...

Fantastic! It makes me happy inside when someone finds a good deal. :)
They were having the same stint with the scarves in the states and stocked up on a few myself. Yay for good shopping!

Canadian Kristin said...

Love the embossed detail! Love the marked down mark downs!

Anneliese said...

Doesn't it feel good when hard earned money can go further?

Fiona said...

Those shoes are SO cute! You must have taken the pic from a good angle because I thought they were kids shoes. They look so small ... and I'm a size 9 usually so I'm always thinking my feet look like skis. Great find!