Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Centennial Street

The year 1975 in the shady backyard of my grandparents house on Centennial Street. The area is kind of a dive now but back in the day it was a quaint place.
My grandma wasn't someone I was super close to but loved nonetheless. She was well known for her love of babies. My brother appears to be fairly 'fresh' here and I think that Andrew probably just took my place in her affections! I look fairly sweet and innocent but I was probably already plotting my torture against him.


Keri's Collage... said...

Love it! You have the cutest little wrists ever!
I remember how you torchered him in high school! Poor kid!

Stephanie said...

I remember the torturing too . . . poor Andrew! I think he miraculously survived though! Good memories of visiting Grandma in that house too. Will never forget the shag carpet and the secret connecting closets :)

Terry said...

Oops! The secret is out.