Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Child Training

Children do not just turn out well on their own.  Children are born with a selfish streak that defies all logic.  They believe the world is their oyster.  Leave this unchecked and you'll have some nasty toddlers, pre-schoolers, children, tweens, teens and then adults.  I am a very firm believer in getting the majority of my child-rearing intensive training done by age five.  This takes a lot of time, patience, tears and aggravation but it's OH SO WORTH IT!
Liam has been going through a horribly independent streak.  After a few weeks of a lot of pure defiance I have decided to try out a 'behaviour chart' for Liam.  As he is fast approaching four years old I am moving into the intensive phase of getting him to be a good listening sort of boy! 
I found this chart online and he's very keen to earn his stickers.  All he has to do to earn a sticker is show some 'good listening' such as saying 'okay mum' when I give him a direct order instead of crying or ignoring me or running away.  So far he's been very keen and I have a bag of dollar store goodies for him to chose from when he's filled up the page.  I am hoping that listening and obeying starts to become a good habit with him in the next few months.  I'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

It's definitely worth it to train your children when they're younger. You'll appreciate it when they're older! Hope the chart works!

sultana said...

Way to go Rachel.

Trace said...

I feel exactly the same way! I think my head strong boy is going to be the biggest test of my patience when he's a little older. ;)

Good luck with the behaviour chart, I hope it works a treat! :)

Kimberley said...

that's an AWESOME idea!! You'll have to remind me about this when Hudson gets to this stage... I like it and hope it works well for you!