Thursday, July 26, 2012

Return to Camping

I was so reluctant to go camping after my hiatus.  I really dreaded the thought of all the work that goes along with camping.  Lazy girl!
I will admit, now that we are home that it was a very enjoyable experience.  MINUS, dealing with a certain 3 year old who was out of routine and down-right nasty.
The weather could not have been more perfect, the company excellent, the campsite was nice, the water warm and we all didn't get food poisoning from keeping perishables in a cooler for several days.  This my friends is success.
No, I didn't get any decent sleep, my kids got sunburns despite a lot of sunscreen, hubby and I bickered more than usual, etc etc but it was a good trip and I am willing to try again.  Next summer.
I'd love to upload a ton of photos (because I did take a lot of them) but blogger keeps telling me my photo limit is full.  I deleted all of 2005 but I'm still over the limit.  So here are a very very few highlights.  There are more pix on facebook if you are interested.


Trace said...

Looks like you had a tonne of fun! :)

sultana said...

You could not have picked a better week !

Anonymous said...

It was such fun coming out to visit with you all!