Friday, October 12, 2012

At Attention!

This past week our entire campus has been hosting the EEC team.  External Evaluation Committee for those of you who don't know the lingo.  Independent schools such as ours are inspected every 6 years by the government to be sure we are following on educational laws and policies.   We need to prove we are worthy of the funding we are granted by the government!
So for the past several months we have been going over everything with a fine tooth comb making sure all 'i's' are dotted and 't's' are crossed.
Today was the final day and as I attended the final de-brief along with all staff I was very proud to hear that they found our schools to be excellent in all areas.  Phew!
The EEC team was delightful to have around, very friendly, kind, funny and didn't really make you feel like you were under the microscope.  It was a good experience, yet I am really glad it's behind us now. 

1 comment:

Terry said...

Was there any doubt?