Saturday, January 05, 2013

Century Egg

Do you know what a 'century egg' is?  Take a look at the picture above (or click here for specifics).
William brought one home for us to try a few weeks back.  He told us he got if from a friend.  Hmmmm...suspicious indeed.
It was a nasty vile experience for Keith.  You see, I was not willing to try it.  I am NOT brave about new foods at all.  Keith tried it so you don't have to.  Don't do it.  Ever.
William arrives back to our place today.  Let's hope he got his fill Chinese comfort foods while he was at home because it's back to 100% Canadian cooking for him now!


Terry said...

It's burning a hole in my stomach just looking at it.

Stephanie said...

Haha, Uncle Terry! Mine too! The description of sulphur and ammonia did it for me. I normally like to try new foods, but that one I will stay away from.

Anonymous said...


Kerry said...

I had to google it...ewwwww is all I can say!! I am very daring when trying new foods but this is one I wouldn't be willing to try. :(

Terry said...

Now I know where I have seen those before. It is a Kangaroo's gall bladder.

QuiltNut Creations said...
