Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Offical Lego Masters

While I was away last weekend, Keith took the boys to Oakridge Centre to check out the only official Lego store in BC.  We had promised  Chad a bit of a shopping spree in lieu of having a birthday party. It just so happened that there was also a Lego Building event happening that day with a 'Master' Lego builder who was working on an 8 foot high Yoda.  The boys were able to assist in the building and receive certificates for their efforts.  Because it was Chad's birthday (sort of) he received a whole bunch of free goodies and Liam got stuff simply for being cute and eager.  This is the kind of day that put smiles on their faces and mine too...because I didn't have to go with them!

*PS.  Excuse the skewed photos.  They were taken with an I-pod I can't seem to improve them.

1 comment:

cayman77 said...

What a fun day for the boys!!!!!!