Saturday, May 25, 2013

Back to What Works Best

Last summer our gas mower died and we had decided to replace it with an electric mower.  There were a few reasons.  I hated the pull cord of a gas plus the inconvenience of making sure you always had gas on hand to fill the tank.  I grew up using an electric so I was comfortable mowing around an extension cord and it was always ready to go!  No gas needed.
Well, we used an electric for a year and found that it was not suited to our yard at all.  The engine simply was not powerful enough to cut through our thick grass (okay, I am a over-generous with the fertilizer!) so you had to walk r-e-a-l-l-y slow so the engine wouldn't bog down.  Our yard is huge so I didn't like the time it took to mow it.
Now we are back to a gas mower.  We got a great deal on a Craftsman with a Honda motor at Sears.  You will think us weird but we 'fought' over who was going to try it out first this morning.  Me, I just like mowing and Keith just likes machines.  So, I graciously let Keith have the privilege because I know for sure the novelty will wear off for him and it'll be back to me and the boys mowing regularly.  Instead I attacked my ever growing patch of chickweed with a vengeance and re-seeded some bare patches.
My parents bought our electric off of us as theirs was decrepit and falling apart.  Dad just happened to stop by to pick up the mower as I was baking so he was the lucky winner today of a fresh cinnamon bun!


Anonymous said...

We just bought a new lawn mower a few weeks ago too. With 3 families sharing 1 mower and acres of grass to cut, we go through a lot of lawn mowers. (I'm lobbying for a lawn tractor!!)

Trace said...

We got a new mower recently too! Not that it matters because I'm not allowed near the mower. Dylan loves his grass and I think mowing has to be one of his favourite things ever. Haha! Works for us as I loathe it. :)