Saturday, June 01, 2013

Above and Beyond

Nate walked into my office on Friday afternoon and presented me with three lovely roses.  I was rendered speechless!
After I found my voice, I interrogated him....of course.  I can't really enjoy a 'moment' until all the details are explained!
I found out that his English/French teacher offered to help Nate and a group of his friends buy roses for their moms.  The boys thought this was a grand idea and a plan was hatched.  Needless to say I love this teacher.  It's not the first time she has proved to be a teacher that goes way above and beyond typical teacher duties.  BTW, she was the teacher that pulled the 'kissing' prank on Nate last fall!
Nate even gave me a hug and kiss in front of everyone in the office.  That boy is so confident in himself and rarely embarrassed.  I love him to bits!


Sinead said...

He'll make a great husband for a lucky girl some day!!!! What an amazing teenager you have there.

Trace said...

That is just so, so sweet!! :)