Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Whole Hand!

My littlest boy is now officially a big boy!  An entire five years old.  Wow.
His birthday was this past Thursday and he woke up to find his birthday 'treat' cereal waiting for him downstairs.  Froot Loops...yum!  Good choice Liam.
 It was a busy evening so we didn't do much other than stick a candle in a bowl of ice cream for him.  He didn't seem to mind know that his party was coming up on Saturday night.  He was just beside himself all day about being five years old.  He told me all the things that five year olds can and cannot do.  For instance, five year olds would never go in a stroller, or be carried or sit in booster seats at the table.  Yes....that is right.  Good thing we got rid of your stroller two years ago, can't pick up your heavy 50lb body for long and will toss that booster seat really soon!
 On Saturday morning while Nate and Chad were at ACT, we decided to take Liam out for breakfast.  It is rare that he has both of our one-on-one attention and he was simply thrilled.  It was nice for Keith and I too.
 He chose French toast after we told him that he couldn't have macaroni for breakfast.
 After breakfast we took him to Castle Fun Park for some mini-golfing.  He had a perma-grin, he was so happy.  It was very enjoyable as we all had a great game.  I hadn't been there in years and years and was pleasantly surprised to find that the golfing courses had been renovated and cleaned up significantly.  Good job to the owners on that.
 I even won a free game of golf at the end by getting a hole in one on the last shot!
 We spent the rest of the day gearing up for having over the family for cake and presents.  He was bouncing off the walls with excitement.
 I always need an assistant for this job!
 Finally, the moment had arrived.  Presents!
 The way to Liam's heart is Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. 
 Thoroughly spoiled!
 I think we could have put a little more effort into a proper pose here but this is what you get for a family shot.
 Rather yummy eats, if I do say so myself.
 Liam with his Grandpa and Grandad
 And smiling nicely with Grandma and Nana.  He's blessed to have all his grandparents actively involved in his life.
 He was so excited to set up one of his race tracks. 
Auntie Suzanne and Uncle Tyler sent over this delightful gift for Nate and Chad.  Not like they already stink up my house with their own 'home grown' I have to contend with this?  One day her little boy will get equally delightful gifts!  Mwa-ha-ha!


cayman77 said...

He is growing into a sweet little boy! Love the food display!:))

Sonya said...

That is one happy 5 year old you have there. He's just grinning from ear to ear in every photo!