Sunday, September 15, 2013

Annual Pilgrimage

Good thing we went for a hike today because as I sit here and type up this post the raining is coming down really hard.
It's a lovely sound but I wouldn't mind a few more weeks of Indian summer!
We do make a point of trekking up to the Abbey every summer or two.  I've said it before and at the risk of being very repetitive, I love visiting the grounds so much.
 The gardens were extra spectacular this year.
 We made it to the summit!  The hike seemed so much easier this year....even counting the time we had to back track due to a wrong trail.  I think all my power walking has improved my fitness a little bit.  Liam had a few moments of tears but did most of the hike up on his own two legs.  He got a ride down on Keith's shoulders for a good while though.
 Keith's phone took this cool panorama shot.
Usually we see a monk or two wandering the grounds but today we also stopped and chatted with 'Brother Stephen'.  A kindly man who gave me little medal to take home.  Even Catholics are evangelists!
The letters stand for a Latin phrase 'If the light of Christ is in you then Satan cannot prevail' or so he told me. I appreciate it in the spirit in which it was given.


QuiltNut Creations said...

Haven't been out there in years! Great pics.

Sonya said...

I have fond memories of visiting the Abbey when I was a kid. I think it's one of the few places I never took my own kids. Hmmm...I should probably remedy that.

villagegirl said...

Gorgeous! Love that you guys do that each year. Dahlias are one of my favs! They look so pretty.

sultana said...

I like the metal you got.