Monday, September 23, 2013

New Looks

Thanks for your input....the winning door is number 2 on the previous post.  I think it will be beautiful once it arrives.  I'm not good at making decisions so I am glad that Keith is.  I get overwhelmed quickly so it's best if someone narrows it down to just a few options.  Of course, this isn't the end of the choices that need to be made because it's a wood door and we'll have to choose paint.  Ugh!
As the cool weather settles in we spend much more time in our family room.  After living here two years now I still felt it was 'undone' and had a wee fit one day and went shopping.  After my solo shopping trip where I became overwhelmed (surprise, surprise) with too many choices I knew I had to go again with a friend with good taste who can make decisions!
I came home with an armful and Keith has been very busy moving furniture around, holding up pictures here and there and hammering lots of holes in the walls.  Of course one thing led to another and all of a sudden I am ordering an electric fireplace online from Costco.  WHAT?! 
We moved a sofa table from the living room to the family room which left a gaping hole.  I had always wanted to cozy-up that space.  It's a chilly room at the best of times so with the combination of the new door, a fireplace and new roof I do believe it will become a lovely warm reading space for those winter evenings. 
Here are some pictures of the project...
The new fireplace (website photo) Isn't it pretty?  I can't wait for it to arrive.
 We moved the photos from the wall opposite..
...and put the sofa table in that space.  The mirror has yet to be hung.  I had Keith hold it up there so I could take a picture and think about it a while! 
And some new art which I wasn't sure about in the store but just love on my wall.  It adds some much  needed color to the room and helps give it that 'finished' look I was hoping for.


sultana said...

wow It looks wonderful to me !

Sonya said...

Everything looks beautiful.

Stephanie said...

Love the idea of the fireplace! And Keith is so patient to hold up that mirror for you! :) Jon hates it when I go through the "moving furniture around phase". heehee:)

villagegirl said...

I absolutely adore the art!! Homesense?
The colours are superb!
You will love cozying up to your fireplace too. I also have wee fits on occasion and come home with things to finish the house twinsie. :)
It all looks gorgeous so far! Can't wait to see it all finished up.