Wednesday, September 04, 2013


I haven't made lunches for years so I was unaware of the 'Bento Box' phenomenon that has taken over packing school  lunches.
It's really quite a genius idea of making lunches more appealing to the little ones who can be so easily distracted from eating at school.  Afternoons are probably already hard enough for teachers without having cranky, unfed children to add to the mix.  I am going to be attempting this style of lunch for Liam now that he's starting full time Kindergarten. 
 Some of the Bento boxes are extremely pricey....the above set is around $50 US.
This one is a bit more reasonable at $25 US.
But I found this 'knock-off' at Superstore for a whopping $6.97!  I'm sure it'll do the job just fine. 


AF said...

That'll save on saran wrap.

villagegirl said...

perfect! I found in preschool that Owen preferred food in 'bits'. I invested in a couple Tupperware containers that have served us well and he generally eats everything put into it! Yay for a reasonable find!

Stephanie said...

So what do your older boys make for themselves, and do they do it the night before? Do you take the same thing they do?

QuiltNut Creations said...

I might have to do this for Matthew. I wonder how long it will take for him to lose all the boxes inside? lol