Thursday, August 29, 2013

Shifting Gears

Things have been a bit quiet on my blog.  I returned back to work on August 19th and have been working full time since.  It's been a busy office with training Kori and having the other secretary face her first 'school start up' on her own as well.
Nate and Chad have been doing a fabulous job taking care of Liam while I've been at work.  Nathan finished up work at MEI on the 23rd and has been enjoying his time off.  He really appreciated the fact he was able to earn some money this summer and still has the goal of using those earnings to fund a missions trip.  Whether or not that will happen in grade 10 or 11 remains to be seen.
We took the two older boys to Seattle last weekend to get their back to school shopping done.  We had a fabulous time, eating, shopping and exploring new areas of Seattle.  It's our favorite little 'get away'.  Keith's parents generously took Liam for the night and it was just a real treat to have that time away.
As we head into September we are looking at dropping a wad of cash on a few necessary house repairs.  A new roof is coming (GULP), a new front door and a new garage door too! 
Another arrival will be our Chinese student, William who returns on September 5th.
We've got full-day Kindergarten, Wee College, Grade 7, Grade 10, youth group, A.C.T. and heaven only knows what else all slated to start up really soon.
Those lazy summer days are already a distant memory and I'm mentally preparing myself for switching to crazy mode!


Terry said...

Summer is always the calm before the storm.

Sonya said...

I feel a little tired just reading about all of your upcoming life stuff. On the other hand, should make for some good blogging material!