Wednesday, August 07, 2013


Something had been bugging me for a while.  We had beds in our house without head or foot boards.  They were just mattresses with box springs on a metal bed frame to get them off the ground.  It didn't look right...unfinished.  I had it in my head to at least get William and Chad's beds 'finished' this summer.  I scoured the web to discover that these items are not easy to come by when one is on a budget!  Even Ikea let me down. 
I kept my eye on Craigslist too without any luck.  Then I heard about a moving sale not too far from our home and we actually knew the family that was moving (read:  I am fussy and like to buy used items from people I know) AND they had posted pictures of the items that would be for sale online.  I immediately spotted a single bed that looked like a good possibility for my plans.  Fast forward to the moving sale and we discovered that not only was there one bed for sale, but two since they were bunk beds at one time.  We snapped them both up for $50!  One was painted grey and one was the original white and in pretty good shape.  Solid wood too!  We immediately drove to my parents to raid the paint closet and came home and started sprucing up the headboards.  We decided to leave the foot boards off the beds because the boys are tall (and getting taller!) and it's better if they can stretch out and dangle their feet off the end if need be.
 Here's one of the headboards after I cleaned it.  If you click on the picture you can see some 'graffiti'!
 Sanding in preparation for priming and painting.  Keith basically did all the work after that.  I tried my hand at painting (it LOOKS easy and fun) but discovered I don't really have a knack for it.
 And the finished product in Chad's room.  The bed just looks so much better now.  Chad also took this opportunity to rearrange his room.  I like it!
 Below is William's headboard and his mattress is missing!  We took his mattress and gave it to Liam since we are buying him a new mattress before he comes back in September.  Liam had been sleeping on a foam type mattress that was 10 plus years old and really ready to retire.  We'll keep it in storage for sleepovers.
Now we just need to finish Nate's bed and the guestroom bed.  If you hear of any good deals around...let me know!


AF said...

They look really good!

Sonya said...

Looks good! Our girls' beds don't have headboards or footboards either and it always bugs me. But, their rooms are so small that we can't fit either a headboard or a footboard in so I just have to live with it.