Friday, October 25, 2013

It's Busy But Beautiful Life

This week's highlights:

*Nathan handed his completed Missions Trip (for next spring break) application in at school.  We look forward to seeing where God sends him.  Keep posted for updates. His Planning 10 class also visited Tabour Court this week and he had a great time playing 'chair volleyball' with the seniors.  He's very comfortable visiting with seniors and can't wait to go back.  I love this kid!

*Chad had a soccer tournament, a cross country race, early morning volleyball practices, a vastly improved road run time, early morning Robotics and a play test in band.  He's a going concern...and handling his busy schedule quite well.  I love this kid!

*Liam has had a few emotional melt downs at supper this week, is getting 12 hours of sleep a night and using up every drop of that stored energy throughout his days, attended the school fun fair, dunked a teacher on his first and third throw of the ball, memorized a few Bible verses without a problem and has had the greatest one-liners for our amusement. (his latest is:  My heart is dripping with love-ness for you Mummy)   I love this kid!

*Keith has been overworked and stressed but thankfully is coping alright and once he comes home shifts into 'Dad and husband' mode pretty well.  I am thankful that he works so hard and do pray that his managers see how hard he works and how desperately their department needs more staff (they are short four people) so that Keith doesn't burn out.  And yes...I do love this guy too!

*I have been enjoying this crisp, dry weather.  The leaves are gorgeous and the foggy mornings that turn into sunny afternoons have been wonderful.  Work is ticking along and I still love showing up and seeing what exciting things will transpire.  We have so. much. fun.  I'm blessed!

Feeling thankful and never taking anything for granted.  There is too much going on with friends and family around me to feel anything less.

Happy Friday friends and have a great weekend.


sultana said...

Yahhhhhhhhh !

villagegirl said...

Oh I love the dripping with love-ness. That's so sweet! Kindie's are my fav. :)
Busy yes - but so many good things in it. You are blessed.

Sonya said...

I love this post. :)

(Will be praying for Keith's work situation!)