Monday, October 07, 2013

Rocking It Out

Last night we were treated to an awesome evening out at the 'Mercy Me' concert.  Keri & Kori were gifted with using a VIP suite and we were thrilled to be invited along with their family.  It was such a treat.  There is a very special birthday coming up for two certain ladies and we celebrated in style.

 No, we didn't pre-plan the stripes but as Keri says, when you are friends this long it just happens!
 All of us ladies ready for a night of great music.
 Oh Keith....he didn't eat supper before hand and took advantage of the 'room service'.  We all had drinks and bottomless caramel and regular popcorn.  I decided that being a 'VIP' is quite lovely!
The concert was fantastic.  Mercy Me has many solid hits that are played regularly on the radio so it was awesome to go to a concert where you know each song played.  They did a great job and all in all it was a wonderful night out.  Thank you K & K for the invite!

It's been quite a game Friday, dinner out Saturday and the concert on Sunday.  It's time to stay home the next couple of weekends.  Nate is quite d.o.n.e. being in charge of the brood and we've got empty wallets!


Terry said...

Wow! What a treat.

sultana said...

Could you be more blessed ?

Sonya said...

What a wonderful experience you enjoyed!