Monday, November 04, 2013

'I Learned a New Word Tonight'

This is what William told us as he sat in the fast track section of the ER room on Saturday night.
As he and his friends were walking home from town on Saturday night a car hit them while they were crossing an intersection in a cross walk.  It was dark, rainy and the boys were wearing dark clothes but they did have the right of way.  The car was just accelerating to turn left so it wasn't going too could have been so much worse.
God had his hand on the whole thing as an ER nurse on her way to work saw the incident, called the ambulance and stayed on scene.  She's the one that called me at home to let me know what happened.  One friend didn't get hit, the other was bumped and William was bumped down to the ground, hitting his shoulder and elbow.  
As we rushed to hospital, the police were still at the scene (not to far from our house) and we were able to stop and get the 'scoop' from them.
At the hospital we were met by the home stay rep from school and she dealt with all the financial and insurance matters.  
After a fairly short wait, William was x-rayed and seen by a doctor.  He's pretty much fine...sore and bruised.  The international grape-vine went nuts and before we knew it another friend showed up in the ER to make sure William was okay and actually had called home to China to tell his parents.  These parents phoned William's parents and caused quite a worry because they didn't have proper information.  Brenda gave this boy a severe tongue-lashing about jumping the gun on spreading information that was not his to spread.  William's mom called his cell directly and I think felt much better after speaking to him and knowing for sure all was well.
So......that was a bit stressful.  William and his friends got a chat from us too about not paying attention when they walk.  Often, they have headphones on and are head down texting and walking.  Danger, boys!

So, what was William's new word?  ADVENTURE!


Sonya said...

I'm glad to hear that they were all ok. That's an adventure one can do without!

Terry said...

An adventure which, fortunately, had a good ending.

QuiltNut Creations said...

scary! glad he and his friends are all okay.

Trace said...

I am glad they are all ok! But wow, 'adventure' for sure!