Sunday, August 05, 2007


My's not well.
A bit of a long story but at the end of June I was having some slight pain in my right eye when I squeezed my eyes shut and of course thought nothing of it. But as the days wore on it got ever so slightly more tender until one day I had quite a headache. After that particular headache my eye was still tender and I just attributed it to the fierce headache ( gin induced if you must know). About a week after that I woke up to a lovely red eye. So attractive.....left it for a few days and then thought I should go to the walk in clinic because I felt quite like a freak. I thought it might be pink-eye but had my doubts. The doctor thought it might be allergies and told me to buy some Visine with antihistimine. At this point my eye was quite tender when I used my peripheral vision. A few days later and no improvement to I went to my own doctor and he told me it was a bacteria and gave me a prescription for some drops to clear it up. Well after about 2 weeks it finally looked like it was all better! Phew!
One week ago the redness came back. And over the last few days the pain around my eye (not in my eye) has steadily gotten worse and worse. It's spreading down to my cheekbone and I simply cannot get through the day without several Tylenol/Advil combos.
I went back to the clinic Saturday and had an excellent doctor who took about 20 minutes to thoroughly look at my eye and ask me questions. She was perplexed and decided to refer me to an ophthamologist. BUT...being that it's a long weekend there is no one to be found and I have to wait until Tuesday to be looked at. Sigh.......truthfully I am getting a bit worried. I have searched the internet and scared myself silly over possible diagnosises but honestly haven't found anything that quite sound like what I am experiencing either.
I would definitely appreciate any prayers you care to send up on my behalf.


QuiltNut Creations said...

don't do internet searches! you'll scare yourself silly!

will pray that it heals quickly and its nothing serious

villagegirl said...

Oh Rachel! I'm so sorry to hear that. I will definitely pray for you. B won't let me do searches any more - he can look but I'm not allowed. Everything will be fine. I'm sure of it.

Unknown said...

You have a heavenly Father that is in total control and nothing, NO Thing, even your eye, escapes His loving attention. Relax in His care, love A. Herta

Kori's House said...

Hope you can get some answers soon. In the meantime, I'm praying for you!!

Canadian Kristin said...

Dude....DON'T READ THE INERNET!!!!!!!! ....wisdom teeth perhaps?!

Am praying for peace and speedy recovery...and a doc that has answers for you!

Dickie Chick said...

Oh Rachel! I'm so sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with your crazy eye! You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Searching the internet is a bit of a scary venture. I have come up with all kinds of diagnosis for myself before and freaked myself out. I will pray for healing and calmness of heart.

Keri's Collage... said...

That does not sound like fun at all. I will be praying for you!

sultana said...

Rest in the knowledge that this will have it's purpose because nothing happens without a reason. You can trust God to give you peace about it...and you have my prayers for healing.

Colleen said...

Oh my, girl! I will be praying for sure. Of course you will let us know what you find out ... I hope everything's okay!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Rachel. I'll definitely be praying about the entire situation!