Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I got in to see the ophthalmologist this afternoon. They couldn't fit me in in town at all so we had to go to Chilliwack. I say 'we' because I was told that I would not be able to drive home because the doctor would be using dilating eye drops to exam my eyes. He didn't end up using them so that was a wee bit annoying to have my mom drive me for no reason but I'm over it :)
Anyhow...he did confirm the original diagnosis and gave me a prescription.
Unfortunately, once a person gets this condition they are prone to getting it again. Hopefully there won't be a next time but if there is I'll be able to spot it a mile off and get help a lot sooner!

Onto other I picked up three ice cream pails of blueberries. I think they are definitely one of my favorite fruits. I've eaten a lot this afternoon but have NO guilt since they are completely healthy! They are huge but not as sweet as other years. No matter....I am freezing most of them for baking this winter. We just love blueberry muffins, platz and pancakes. I've got a batch of muffins in the oven right now. Perhaps I'll have to post a photo!


Keri's Collage... said...

So how long until the drops start to work?
Yum..blueberries! And where did you get them! I need to get some before the seasons over!

Baker said...

I'm so glad that everything is okay with your eye. Hope it heals up quickly now.

QuiltNut Creations said...

so glad you are getting better! muffins look very yummy-nothing is better than blueberry muffins and blueberry pancakes!

Sinead said...

So very happy to hear that all is on the mend with your eye...sorry, I haven't checked blogs in over a week as I'm always on Darryl's laptop (my computer is way too slow!)and I don't have anything saved on his. I'm a bit jealous of the blueberries...we have treated ourselves a couple of times since being back but they cost a fortune enjoy your supply over the winter!

Unknown said...

Ya-hoo for God and His faithfulness to you Rachel! Herta

Dickie Chick said...

Such great news that you can get some help for your eye, and that it wasn't anything more serious. Stupid Internet hey!! Hopefully it will clear up quick with the meds and you'll be back to your old self soon!