Tuesday, December 07, 2010

'Take Me Back' Christmas Theme Continues

Oh, I am looking up in complete adoration of my older cousins Christa & Stephanie. I used to think they were the coolest, prettiest and nicest girls and I still do. I was always thrilled when I received hand-me-downs from them. My mom made all my clothes back in the day and to receive something from a REAL STORE was beyond exciting for me.
My brother is wiping his nose on his sleeve as per usual. He usually had a cold from October to April.
This photo was taken at my Grandpa & Grandma Friesen's house (one family was living in Northern BC at the time and one in Alberta). Christmas there was the best. We would arrive at around 11 am and leave around 11 pm. Eating, playing games, visiting and just enjoying being together. Such remarkable memories and I miss it.


Kori's House said...

I love the look on your face. So cute :)

Kerry said...

Great picture!! What a change in fashion from then till now.

villagegirl said...

I have an older cousin that I was in awe of as well. It's so nice to have someone to look up to!
Great picture!

Anneliese said...

Awesome picture! Love your mom's outfit! (Well, I should say I would have loved it then!)