Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Interests

Nate is keenly interested in fencing.  Somehow we're going to cram fencing club practic into his already very busy schedule.  Nate is already really 'cool' in Liam's eyes but this just sent up his cool factor by many degrees!
 Chad has been on the basketball team this year.  He's enjoying being a part of school sports.  He was never able to join in elementary school because he had to take the bus home and couldn't stay for practices.  Grade 6 is the time to try all the sports to find what you like since there aren't any try-outs or cuts.  He enjoyed basketball but says volleyball is his favorite!  His team did well in the CESS tournament yesterday and came home with a second place ribbon!


Terry said...

Nice to see the guys trying out new things.

villagegirl said...

how very cool for both of them!

Anonymous said...

Oooh...fencing is super cool.