Monday, July 29, 2013

Barrett Comes to Visit

Suz, Tyler and Barrett came to our place in the wee hours of Sunday morning for a pit stop on their way home from camping in Alberta.  It was wonderful to have them here all day Sunday to visit and catch up.  Barrett is such an easy going little dude who just puttered around the yard all day exploring and enjoying his cousins.
 We hauled out the ancient slip 'n slide for Liam who really enjoyed it!  Didn't take him too long to figure it out.
 One of the great things about Barrett is that he doesn't play shy at all.  He'll come to Keith and I without hesitation for a cuddle.
 While Nate and Chad were climbing their favorite tree (to get away from the little ones) they found a mysterious package.  When they opened it up out fell this notes and some treats.  Uncle Andrew is the one to give credit to....what a cool uncle!!!!!!
 After a delicious dinner of BBQ pork tenderloin we all went on a 10 km bike ride.  It was fun to get out as a group and Liam kept up the whole time and didn't complain ONCE!  I think he was trying to impress Uncle Tyler. 
It was certainly great to see them all and hope it won't be too long before the next visit!

1 comment:

sultana said...

So nice to see that you all enjoying the same recreation while you visited !